Tux Racer

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Thanks to @abmyii for his port of this game to Ubuntu Touch.

Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the ability to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds.

This is just port for SailfishOS. this port based on Ubuntu Touch's port
If you like my work, you can buy me a cup of coffe
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Sources: https://gitlab.com/sashikknox/tuxracer-touch




Application versions: 
File harbour-tuxracer-0.9.0-2.i486.rpm31.94 MB16/12/2020 - 14:46
File harbour-tuxracer-0.9.0-2.armv7hl.rpm31.91 MB16/12/2020 - 14:46
File harbour-tuxracer-0.9.0-4.aarch64.rpm31.92 MB29/10/2021 - 10:21
File harbour-tuxracer-0.9.0-4.armv7hl.rpm31.92 MB29/10/2021 - 10:32
File harbour-tuxracer-0.9.0-4.i486.rpm31.94 MB29/10/2021 - 10:32

- aarch64 build
- fix desktop file, now pulseaudio should allow control volume in game

- small fixes of x,y in touch events
- add orientation SDL_hint for SailfishOS


ade's picture

The i486 build does not work, it just crashes with a Segmentation fault on the Jolla tablet (

sashikknox's picture

Hm, i'll try it with emulator later

Malakay's picture

Oh by the way, volume control doesnt work on hw buttons, only in menu settings :) maybe some icon to turn off music right from the game could be handy :)

Malakay's picture

Hi, great work, I got younger in a minute, I used to play this as a boy :D thanks a lot :)

nephros's picture

Very nice, thank you!
Volume doesn't seem to adjust at all even throuhj settings (Xperia10, SFOS 3.4)

chris7chris's picture

Best game ever!!!

sfbsfb's picture

Thanx, a linux classic o sfos!

planetos_store's picture

Nice work, thanks!!! Two minor issues on XA2: The icon is not shown and volume seems unadjustable. Fun game!

sashikknox's picture

because icon put in wrong directory, in next RPM i'll fix it, now just need restart lipstick ( or just move aapp to siome sub folder in apps  menu, and icon refresh )
sound - now, you should control it from configuration only.
