LLs Video Player

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My video player allows for playing back local files (via a built-in file-browser) and remote files (from sites like youtube or rtp or mms streams) 


It is based upon the gstreamer engine shipped with Sailfish OS and only supports codecs that are supported by that gstreamer layer.

Current features include:

  • Cover with pause and play function
  • Open local files with file browser (except version 0.6) & video file picker (since version 0.6)
  • Open remote files via url (detects youtube urls and is able to play them)
  • Open URL Page with history of the 10 last played urls (local or remote)
  • Youtube Search Page integrated
  • Timeline with ability to hide/unhide and scroll through media file
  • Show media metadata
  • Registers mimetypes for audio and video files in Sailfish OS automatically (for opening up with xdg-open or via jolla-fileman and others)
  • Can be used from terminal (e.g. harbour-videoPlayer /path/to/local/file) 
  • Subtitle support for *.srt files 
  • Get artist information over Wikipedia
  • Get more videos from same artist on Youtube
  • History support
  • Integrated youtube-dl support  (see supported sites: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html)
  • TOHKBD shortcuts support
  • Playlist support (Creating, Opening, Saving PLS files)
  • Download Youtube Videos and Audios in different formats

Video demonstrations:






You can find the code here: https://github.com/llelectronics/videoPlayer

Donations can be done via PayPal

Application versions: 
File harbour-videoplayer-0.1-3.armv7hl.rpm85.28 KB23/05/2018 - 09:49
File harbour-videoplayer-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm87.86 KB08/01/2014 - 00:39
File harbour-videoplayer-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm87.87 KB11/01/2014 - 18:15
File harbour-videoplayer-0.3-2.armv7hl.rpm87.89 KB24/01/2014 - 02:26
File harbour-videoplayer-0.3-3.armv7hl.rpm97.37 KB13/02/2014 - 19:37
File harbour-videoplayer-0.3-4.armv7hl.rpm101.31 KB26/02/2014 - 00:42
File harbour-videoplayer-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm103.64 KB06/03/2014 - 03:35
File harbour-videoplayer-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm106.48 KB03/04/2014 - 22:04
File harbour-videoplayer-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm108.46 KB23/10/2014 - 14:59
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm109.2 KB10/11/2014 - 19:23
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-2.armv7hl.rpm109.27 KB13/11/2014 - 20:26
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-3.armv7hl.rpm109.49 KB15/11/2014 - 15:55
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-4.armv7hl.rpm109.78 KB17/11/2014 - 18:35
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-5.armv7hl.rpm110.56 KB20/11/2014 - 13:53
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-6.armv7hl.rpm122.5 KB23/11/2014 - 21:55
File harbour-videoplayer-0.7-7.armv7hl.rpm122.45 KB26/11/2014 - 16:28
File harbour-videoplayer-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm123.59 KB03/02/2015 - 22:41
File harbour-videoplayer-0.8-2.armv7hl.rpm123.63 KB05/02/2015 - 17:53
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm134.39 KB18/02/2015 - 20:49
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-2.armv7hl.rpm134.47 KB19/02/2015 - 00:23
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-3.armv7hl.rpm100.85 KB13/05/2015 - 17:52
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-4.armv7hl.rpm900.08 KB29/05/2015 - 18:44
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-5.armv7hl.rpm900.33 KB31/07/2015 - 19:23
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-6.armv7hl.rpm902.68 KB06/08/2015 - 18:55
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-7.armv7hl.rpm902.54 KB14/08/2015 - 18:54
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-8.armv7hl.rpm992.91 KB31/08/2015 - 14:04
File harbour-videoplayer-0.9-9.armv7hl.rpm997.66 KB20/10/2015 - 15:12
File harbour-videoplayer-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm997.69 KB03/12/2015 - 20:13
File harbour-videoplayer-1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm1007.3 KB06/03/2016 - 19:01
File harbour-videoplayer-1.1-1.i486.rpm1015.08 KB06/03/2016 - 19:01
File harbour-videoplayer-1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1.51 MB19/04/2016 - 18:53
File harbour-videoplayer-1.2-1.i486.rpm1.52 MB19/04/2016 - 18:53
File harbour-videoplayer-1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm1.51 MB29/06/2016 - 14:54
File harbour-videoplayer-1.4-1.i486.rpm1.51 MB29/06/2016 - 14:54
File harbour-videoplayer-1.5-1.armv7hl.rpm1.51 MB08/09/2016 - 19:32
File harbour-videoplayer-1.5-1.i486.rpm1.52 MB08/09/2016 - 19:32
File harbour-videoplayer-1.6-1.armv7hl.rpm1.51 MB03/12/2016 - 16:20
File harbour-videoplayer-1.6-1.i486.rpm1.52 MB03/12/2016 - 16:20
File harbour-videoplayer-1.7-1.armv7hl.rpm1.89 MB12/12/2016 - 21:46
File harbour-videoplayer-1.7-1.i486.rpm1.9 MB12/12/2016 - 21:46
File harbour-videoplayer-1.8-1.armv7hl.rpm1.89 MB09/02/2017 - 16:08
File harbour-videoplayer-1.8-1.i486.rpm1.9 MB09/02/2017 - 16:08
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9-1.i486.rpm1.9 MB11/05/2017 - 18:14
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9-1.armv7hl.rpm1.9 MB11/05/2017 - 18:14
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.1-1.armv7hl.rpm1.9 MB15/06/2017 - 15:00
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.1-1.i486.rpm1.9 MB15/06/2017 - 15:00
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.2-1.i486.rpm1.9 MB16/06/2017 - 13:35
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1.9 MB16/06/2017 - 13:35
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1.9 MB02/11/2022 - 22:51
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.3-1.armv7hl.rpm2.06 MB22/10/2017 - 20:26
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.3-1.i486.rpm2.07 MB22/10/2017 - 20:26
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.4-1.armv7hl.rpm2.07 MB11/11/2017 - 15:07
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.4-1.i486.rpm2.07 MB11/11/2017 - 15:07
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.5-1.armv7hl.rpm2.07 MB27/11/2017 - 19:33
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.5-1.i486.rpm2.08 MB27/11/2017 - 19:33
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.6-1.armv7hl.rpm2.13 MB17/04/2018 - 19:59
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.6-1.i486.rpm2.14 MB17/04/2018 - 19:59
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.7-1.armv7hl.rpm2.18 MB08/06/2018 - 17:32
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.7-1.i486.rpm2.19 MB08/06/2018 - 17:32
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.8-1.i486.rpm2.21 MB02/08/2018 - 13:46
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.8-1.armv7hl.rpm2.2 MB02/08/2018 - 13:46
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.9-1.i486.rpm2.23 MB09/11/2018 - 13:08
File harbour-videoplayer-1.9.9-1.armv7hl.rpm2.22 MB09/11/2018 - 13:08
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm2.24 MB13/01/2019 - 16:30
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.0-1.i486.rpm2.25 MB13/01/2019 - 16:30
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm2.28 MB19/04/2019 - 14:27
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.1-1.i486.rpm2.29 MB19/04/2019 - 14:27
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.2-1.i486.rpm2.3 MB25/05/2019 - 16:53
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm2.3 MB25/05/2019 - 16:53
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.3-1.i486.rpm2.3 MB25/05/2019 - 17:11
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm2.3 MB25/05/2019 - 17:11
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm2.29 MB28/07/2019 - 18:41
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.4-1.i486.rpm2.3 MB28/07/2019 - 18:41
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm2.29 MB11/09/2019 - 23:58
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.5-1.i486.rpm2.3 MB11/09/2019 - 23:58
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm2.29 MB12/10/2019 - 14:21
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.6-1.i486.rpm2.3 MB12/10/2019 - 14:21
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm2.28 MB30/05/2020 - 10:47
File harbour-videoplayer-2.0.7-1.i486.rpm2.29 MB30/05/2020 - 10:47
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm2.33 MB06/10/2020 - 06:32
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.0-1.i486.rpm2.34 MB06/10/2020 - 06:32
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm2.33 MB08/10/2020 - 04:16
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.1-1.i486.rpm2.34 MB08/10/2020 - 04:16
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm2.35 MB09/10/2020 - 01:36
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.2-1.i486.rpm2.36 MB09/10/2020 - 01:36
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.3-1.i486.rpm2.36 MB24/10/2020 - 02:56
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm2.35 MB24/10/2020 - 02:56
File harbour-videoplayer-3.0.3-1.aarch64.rpm2.35 MB16/05/2021 - 10:57
  • Fix no interactivity after youtube-dl error
  • Update ytdl
  • Check if shipped ytdl is newer and overwrite local copy if thats true


llelectronics's picture

Yes. Sorry a new release with the missing translation will be uploaded soon. 

enrish's picture

Thank you!

enrish's picture

Fantastic job with the new UI. It also makes it more immediate to focus on YT which is very welcome since atm many YT players do not work on SF.
Two glitch i run into: when you search you get a spinning circle that might last a while or even get stuck: there is no way to cancel the search and get rid of the circle, other than closing the app.
Other times when you finish watching a video and click on a second one, the first one actually starts again.
Anyway thank you so much, I lke this app more and more.

llelectronics's picture

Thanks for your feedback. Next version will bring a small message when searching and an abort button aswell. 

llelectronics's picture

That is not possible

wickedsp1d3r's picture

Can title of a video or a stream be passed to the program with a command line argument?

objectifnul's picture

Okay, the 'culprit' appears to be Ancelad's "Show album's art on lockscreen" (v0.0.5). I don't figure out what may be conflicting between this patch and LLs VideoPlayer, and why this conflict only appears with SFOS, not with 3.2.x
I'll check tomorrow, but the issue seems to not appear with Jolla phone (same OS release, same patches applied -to be confirmed).
EDIT: too bad. Same problem with Jolla phone :-(

objectifnul's picture

After OS upgrade ( on Xperia X), LlsVideoPlayer weirdly unapplies all patches every time I launch it. The player works fine though. Currently trying to identify which patch(es) is/are conflicting with Lls (I have a lot of patches).
List of installed patches:
applied=show-storage-total-size, sailfishos-filebrowserroot-patch, sailfishos-cargodockroot-patch, sailfishos-patch-camera-quickactions, pulley-menu-lines-brightness, sailfishos-patch-3fingersvolume, ultimate-statusbar, topmenu-control, launcher-combined, sneak-peek, lockscreen-album-art, sailfishos-patch-calendar-quickaction, mediaplayer-extended-cover, add-more-shortcuts, no-home-carousel, uirotate-free, browser-history-swipes, analog-clock, sailfishos-patch-clock-quickactions, virgi-sailfish-patch-trackerpathsettings, sailfishos-filecaseroot-patch, disable-volume-warning, sailfishos-patch-nohandle-launcher-combined, devicelock-faith-text, sailfishos-patch-FixIconPickerMenu, patch-settings-shortcut, sfos-patch-keyboard-smaller-keyboard, sailfishos-filetugroot-patch

Rafaelvlmendes's picture

Hi Leszek. When execute a command in Lls Play how a video youtube, update Ytdl says:

Env: Can't execute "python". No such file or diretory

llelectronics's picture

You need to install python from Jolla repos.

devel-su pkcon install python

Rafaelvlmendes's picture

Thanks. Trying install and fixed.

Ezreal's picture

I tried using load in ytdl in the bookmarks but nothing happened.

llelectronics's picture

It only works for youtube urls

Ezreal's picture

Unfortunately, it freezes every 8 seconds when watching a live video, which is the same as Aldrog's TwitchTube. It is likely that gstreamer has a problem, because when watching youtube livestream with native browser, it crashes after a few seconds.

llelectronics's picture

Yes unfortunately that might be the case. You could try to add this stream as bookmark. Bookmarks have a love stream option. That tends to work better for radio streams. Though not sure about video live streams

Ezreal's picture

I try the “load in ytdl”. It works. Thanks for your app. I can watch live now.

Ezreal's picture

“Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in ”. How can I solve it?

rossholmes's picture

Thank you for your advice. May I ask you which package of phyton do I need exactly?

llelectronics's picture

You need python2

rossholmes's picture

Thank you for this fabulous player. I just would like to ask if anyone knows what dependencies do I need to install to get youtube videos working. I get a resource error message unfortunately. .many thanks for any advice

llelectronics's picture

DRM videos need the Load in Ytdl option from the pulley menu. You need python installed for it to work. 

jakecn's picture

Very good update

DameCENO's picture

Best update ever, thanks man for the additions to the slide bar, ffwd and rev. Thanks a lot man

jakecn's picture

Very good app!

JacekJagosz's picture

Could you please add a way to go to YouTube subscribtions, via a pulley menu or a shortcut?
This is what is blocking me from using it as a default YT player.

llelectronics's picture

I'll see what I can do

Marius's picture

No, it is not encrypted. I have it mounted under: /media/sdcard/card/ (it is a link). df says:

/dev/mmcblk1          120G   59G   55G  52% /run/media/nemo/d753fc73-ba9a-44c2-acb8-a3a011cd1117
/dev/mmcblk1          120G   59G   55G  52% /opt/alien/run/media/nemo/d753fc73-ba9a-44c2-acb8-a3a011cd1117



llelectronics's picture

So it looks like mounted two times. Maybe that is the issue. 

olf's picture

@llelectronics and @Marius, the second mount is for Android and hence "normal", when AlienDalvik is started.
What confuses me though is @Marius' statement: "I have it mounted under: /media/sdcard/card/ (it is a link)."

SailfishOS automatically mounts partitions on SD-card at the aforementioned location in /run/media/nemo/ (plus in /opt/alien/ for AlienDalvik, if started), one should not use the pre-2.2.0 location /media/sdcard/ anymore! And where does the card come from (SailfishOS before 2.2.0 always used UUIDs there!)? Plus it sound as if @Marius' mount point is a link, which is awkward and may not work!

P.S.: As you missed to mention the SailfoshOS version and device you are using, there is no way of telling, if you ran into one of the known issues or not.

Marius's picture

Hey, I cannot open microSD card. In Browse files>Videos device memory is okey, but SD card is not active. Can this be changed?
