Sailfish Connect

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KDE Connect client for Sailfish OS


This application allows you to connect to other devices running KDE Connect. At the moment following set of KDE Connect plugins are supported:

  • Battery - Share battery status with your computer.
  • Clipboard - Share clipboard text content.
  • MPRIS - Control multimedia player from your computer.
  • Share - Send and receive files, text and URLs.
  • Touchpad - Create mouse input from your phone.
  • Keyboard - Create keyboard input from your phone.
  • Notifications - Sends notifications to your computer.
  • Telephony - Send incoming and missed calls to your computer.
  • Commands - Send and receive user-defined shell commands.
  • Remote system volume - Change volume of audio sinks of your computer.

More will follow.

Submit bugs to Github or use Git Reports if you do not own a Github account.

Join for discussion and feedback.

Other KDE Connect Clients 


Known Issues

  • LAN: A connection through USB-Ethernet and developer mode is not possible.


Application versions: 
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-1.aarch64.rpm701.62 KB03/06/2024 - 21:09
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-1.armv7hl.rpm644.61 KB03/06/2024 - 21:09
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.7.0-1.i486.rpm732.35 KB03/06/2024 - 21:09
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.2-1.aarch64.rpm891.28 KB18/03/2022 - 21:35
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.2-1.armv7hl.rpm831.16 KB18/03/2022 - 21:35
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.2-1.i486.rpm1002.59 KB18/03/2022 - 21:35
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.1-2.aarch64.rpm887.49 KB04/11/2021 - 01:37
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.1-2.armv7hl.rpm827.43 KB04/11/2021 - 01:37
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.1-2.i486.rpm999.46 KB04/11/2021 - 01:37
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.1-1.aarch64.rpm887.64 KB05/06/2021 - 11:39
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.0-2.armv7hl.rpm847.96 KB09/02/2021 - 21:56
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.6.0-2.i486.rpm1022.39 KB09/02/2021 - 21:56
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm269.42 KB15/03/2020 - 14:41
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.5.1-1.i486.rpm306.92 KB15/03/2020 - 14:41
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm267.78 KB04/01/2020 - 16:30
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.5-1.i486.rpm305.63 KB04/01/2020 - 16:30
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.4.1-1.armv7hl.rpm254.61 KB10/09/2019 - 21:21
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.4.1-1.i486.rpm289.61 KB10/09/2019 - 21:21
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.4-2.armv7hl.rpm250.34 KB18/08/2019 - 21:54
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.4-2.i486.rpm285.98 KB18/08/2019 - 21:54
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm213.11 KB02/03/2019 - 22:58
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.3-1.i486.rpm239.14 KB02/03/2019 - 22:58
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.2-2.armv7hl.rpm172.51 KB21/10/2018 - 19:07
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.2-2.i486.rpm195.04 KB21/10/2018 - 19:07
File harbour-sailfishconnect-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm150.68 KB10/08/2018 - 23:52


  • Upload of multiple files at once possible
  • Use system keyboard for remote keyboard
  • Unpair action moved to device list page and uses remorse item
  • Upgrade to KDE Connect 24.01.90
  • Fix deprecated linkage to OpenSSL 1.0


  • Disable sandbox for Sailfish 4.4 support


  • Support for aarch64 architecture (#46)
  • Requires Sailfish 4.0


  • Direct use of KDE Connect desktop client as backend instead of own fork
  • Add IPs of custom devices to be searched for (#35)
  • Added command plugins
  • Added remote system volume plugin
  • Replaced transactions page with transaction notifications
  • Fixed remote keyboard for special characters like comma, space, fullstop (#34)
  • Migrated battery plugin to use MCE DBus interface instead of statefs (Fixes installation on Sailfish OS 4.0.1)
  • Fixed album art for Spotify
  • Added Estonian translation (thanks to Priit Jõerüüt)


  • Allow newer TLS versions (#38). Fixes broken GSConnect support for linux distributions using GLib >= 2.64.
  • Fixed monitoring of notifications in release build. (see #37)


  • Added Contacts plugin.
  • Resolve phone numbers to contact names in telephony plugin.
  • Starts now at system start as systemd user service when in background mode
  • Fixed GSConnect not showing notifications without a icon
  • Added translation for Italian (thanks to ghostofasmile)


  • Fix bug of app quiting after file transfer of any kind when screen is off
  • Fix file upload to GSConnect
  • Wake up app regularly to keep TCP connections alive (see #27)
  • Added translation for French and one missing translatable string (thanks to the translators)


  • Added keyboard plugin (thanks to derFogel)
  • Added album art to media player
  • Added possibility to open downloaded file
  • Redesigned device page
  • Enhanced sending notifications
  • File transfers are now more robust (especially large transfers)
  • Changed: Clipboard content must now explicitly pushed (see #7)
  • Added translation for Finnish, Swedish and Polish (thanks to the translators)


  • Added page to show file transfers
  • Added telephony plugin
  • Fixed various bugs to support GSConnect
  • Fixed crash when unpairing
  • Fixed various small bugs


  • Changed name to Sailfish Connect
  • Added setting to control running in background (new default is off)
  • Added notifications for pairing and ping plugin
  • Added touchpad plugin
  • Added share plugin
  • Added notifications plugin prototype
  • Made few ui enhancements
  • Fixed several bugs
  • Added known issue description notice for clipboard plugin
  • Connecting should be more stable


TNZ's picture

Last version downloaded & installed (0.6.0) : SMS download from Sailfish to KDE Connect (KDE Neon distro) still doesn't work (even if Sailfish terminal is waken up)

R1tschY's picture

SMS download was not announced to work in 0.6.0. There is no official API to access text messages in SFOS. In SFOS 4.0 it becomes also more difficult because of sailjail. I'm open for contributions.

defactofactotum's picture

Typo alert: notification says "Upload succedded", should be "succeeded". Is there any way to turn this notification off? Thanks a million for this app

R1tschY's picture

Thanks for finding the typo. At the moment there is no way to disable transfer notifications. What is the reason you want to disable the notifications?

defactofactotum's picture

There are just too many of them, if I transfer say 5 or 6 photos. Would it be possible to batch select pictures, instead of doing them 1 by 1? Thanks for a great app.

R1tschY's picture

At the moment it is not possible the send multiple files. But I took a look at it and it was easy to implement and will be part of the 0.7 release.

daywalker's picture

Sailfishconnect does only start once when background daemon is activated. When closed i cannot open it again. Preview tile is there for about 5 seconds and vanishes. When i kill the daemon it can be opened again. I will file an issue on github tomorrow. (will also try to delete the config then)

R1tschY's picture

I tried to reproduce it, but it seems like it only happens in some situations. As a workaround for the moment try to start it from Terminal everytime you want to open the app. I will investigate further ...

philter's picture

Congratulations and many thanks for the update! Now my xperia x and my mi4 share notifications with android lg urbane! Thank you very much

delocoyo's picture

Is there a meaning that I can not listen the music thag I play in my phone heard in the computer?

R1tschY's picture

Can you more explain what you are trying to do? You can only control the media player on the computer. It is not possible to play music with Sailfish Connect on your phone that is played by a media player on your computer.

delocoyo's picture

Exactly what I was asking. It will be possible , or is something that KDE doesnt havs in mind? Thanks

R1tschY's picture

With PulseAudio you can stream audio to your phone: Maybe it works on Sailfish.

KDE Connect does not provide this feature.

delocoyo's picture

Awesome!!! Thanks

cy8aer's picture

It is somehow uninstalled with SFOS 4.0.1. Is  there some library dependency whicht kicked it out?


R1tschY's picture

Thank you for reporting. I will have to release the version 0.6 earlier than I wanted. Hopefully this will happen on this weekend and before SFOS 4.0.1 is released to all users.

tanghus's picture

Is it installable after the upgrade?

ade's picture


levone1's picture

Ok, adjusted some things, and now get "...error permission denied. Dconf will not work properly..." Tried as root also, and the same...

levone1's picture

I am using Debian Sid installatiin on my phone with Containers app. I got KDE Connect installed, and installed Sailfish Connect on the phone, and the devices recognize each other, and connect, and keyboard function is working, and I get no error when making a file transfer, but I can't find the transferred files, (there's also no confirmation, but not sure if there is supposed to be).... Where would yhe transferred files usually end up?update - seems like transfer is not happening. Any ideas?

R1tschY's picture

File transfers are saved to the downloads folder. Notifications are part of the next release (0.6). For debugging start application from command line.

levone1's picture

Got successful transfer to SFOS using contex menu in Nautilus. Command line output when trying to send from SF to Linux is, '
[W] unknown:0 - discarding unsupported packet
"kdeconnect.notification.request" for "user@C1

Send ping works both ways, and notifications received on both ends. Keyboard works also...

R1tschY's picture

When SF can not send files to KDE Connect. Then KDE Connect can not create TCP connection to SF. Check that it is possible to reach SF from the other side, for example create a SSH connection to check it.

levone1's picture

File transfer from Linux to SF works fine. File shows up in Downloads on the phone...

levone1's picture

Ok, I'll check it out. .. Thanks

Branja's picture

Is there a way to implement media player controls in minimized app/multitasking view?

R1tschY's picture

Possible, but more than one cover action is not recommended and many actions like play are not useful when more than one player exists.

Ezreal's picture

Hope to change the download directory

R1tschY's picture

Will be part of next bigger release

vince07's picture

Thank you for this apo. Like it a lot. I wonder is het possible to scroll with two fingers? In the android app it is.
