Note: This application is mainly for Slovak users of Sailfish OS. I didn't even intend translating this into English (maybe sometimes, but not in the near future)
This is a simple weather application showing radars and other stuff from Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.
(It's actually my first app for Sailfish OS and actually my totally first for any mobile os. I used some bits of source code from other apps like WelkWeer, Powietrze, OSM Scout either to make something work or to figure out how something works.)
Ak máš nejaké návrhy pre túto aplikáciu(vylepšenia, funkcie) kľudne môžeš napísať komentár pod aplikáciu. Každá správa mi pomôže.
Upozorňujem že toto ešte zďaleka neni finálna forma aplikácie. Mám na pláne pridať ďalšie funkcie ako sú napríklad: modernejšia SHMÚ mapa s radarmi, výstrahy, stručné počasie a rozšírené počasie možno zlúčené s tým grafickým, model ALADIN, a potom ešte možno aj také maličkosti ako kamery.
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 75.46 KB | 17/04/2020 - 22:03 |
![]() | 75.42 KB | 17/04/2020 - 22:03 |
0.3.0: Najprv treba otvoriť nastavenia a nastaviť si preferovaný radar a čas aktualizácie, toto je nový objavený bug!
changelogy bude lepšie keď budú v slovenčine:
-zmenené meno zo SHMU na harbour-SHMU aby korešpondovalo s Jolla pravidlami
-pridaný posuvník na zatiaľ 4 snímky
-pridané manuálne a automatické prenačítavanie
-pridaná možnosť nastaviť si interval automatického prenačítania
-pridaná možnosť zmeniť preferovaný radar
-opravené bugy
-nové bugy pridané
Staršie verzie ako je 0.3.0 sa dajú stiahnuť externe:
-experimentally fixed radar images from <hour>:00 to <hour>:20
-now with experimental radar info
-added cover with radar and working refresh icon
Fri, 2020/04/17 - 23:56
OK. Nice improvements opposite to older version.
Sat, 2020/04/18 - 00:01
Thanks again so much! I'm actually moving slowly trying to figure out how many of the features work on and also how can i efficiently implement them so it doesn't drain so much battery or use much data.
Sat, 2020/04/18 - 01:01
In my humble subjective opinion SHMU is little weird and little weird is their official app, too ... ;-)
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 16:48
All in all, thanks for effort. (tak či tak, vďaka za snahu)
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 16:13
OK, finally weather forecast app for my country. But anyway, I can't see radar on my device (xperia Xc, ...
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 16:20
I'm actually having problems today with Sailfish SDK to deploy it to my phone as I want to fix some bugs.
It just happens that the build and deploy process just breaks out of nowhere and I have to reinstall it to find out that it still would not deploy atleast after building it..
(Budem sa snažiť spraviť čo sa dá, ja o tom bugu aj viem, teraz keby skúsiš tak ti radar načíta pekne. No len v tom SDK je neskutočne pekný chaos, tak sa aj nedivím že to vybuilduje a deploy čo včera šiel na môj OnePlus celý deň dneska prestal ísť)
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 18:37
Hello Morc, not related to your application, but I just read your comment about SDK breaking during the building/deploying process. I experienced exactly the same thing last night and have just now today removed/reinstalled SDK but it is now working as expected. Some kind of bug in SDK perhaps?, I wonder.
If it happens again, I will post a report on TJC.
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 18:48
I'm actually running SDK on my hackintosh running macOS Mojave, so i was thinking that it was some kind of issue only on macOS, so i tried to build and deploy it from my Windows VM but I have even bigger problems there with Qt Creator crashing and not showing any build kits so i'll have to try on my Windows laptop that i have somewhere.
Sat, 2020/04/11 - 00:37
So i fixed it actually by reinstalling SDK(and by totally reseting QTCreator) and by making a new project and putting everything to the new. And i think what caused it not to deploy was BuildArch: in .yaml because i was examining files and i saw that the old project had BuildArch: armv7hl, so i put it into the new that i made and it would not deploy at all like before. So it works with BuildArch: noarch