Kuri is a sport tracking application for Sailfish OS. Kuri means "run" in Esperanto. Funnily it also means "discipline" in Finnish.
- On SFOS 4.5 some user have problems to start or install Kuri. This is related to the deprecation and removal of QtBluetooth. For user which are affected by this issue qtconnectivity-bluetooth from OpenRepos can be installed. A proper fix is not yet available
- You need to enable the chum repo to resolve the Mapbox GL Native QML dependency for map display
- download the chum rpm for your architecture
- install the rpm, e.g. via the file browser
- install Kuri (if installation still does not work, perform a `devel-su pkcon refresh`)
- All strings should now be translatable, so please start translating
- Not everyting from the new Record Page is working, yet
- With v0.5 the location of the config file and recorded activities changed as preparation for a future Sailjail activation
- config is now stored in '.config/org.kuri/kuri/kuri.toml'
- activities are now stored in '.local/share/org.kuri/kuri'
- activities are migrated on first start, config is not migrated
Kuri takes inspirations from MeeRun, but it will take some time until all of MeeRuns features are implemented.
This application is a fork of Laufhelden by jdrescher. The reason for the fork is that it isn't maintained anymore.
Thanks to translators!
- Swedish - eson
- Polish - kormil
License: GPLv3
Source code: https://gitlab.com/elBoberido/kuri
Icons: https://icons8.com
Bugs: https://gitlab.com/elBoberido/kuri/-/issues
Mon, 2020/10/19 - 22:55
I'm currently not able to fix the Bluetooth issues by myself, since I don't have an appropriate device. I will happily accecpt any patch for the issue, though. Sorry that I cannot do more at the moment.
Tue, 2020/08/11 - 22:31
Looks like connection to pebble works
Tue, 2020/07/21 - 02:19
Hello, greetings from Brazil. I loved the app, i have laufhelden here , but the differences are a great thing. The clock in top, the progressbar for Gps is awesome. I want to provide translation . I can help for translate to Portuguese and Norwegian.
Tue, 2020/07/21 - 02:32
translations are always welcome. Currently you need to create a PR on gitlab. You should be able to login with a github account if you have one.
Just copy the `translations/harbour-kuri.ts` file and append the locale for Portuguese, e.g. `translations/harbour-kuri-pt.ts` or `translations/harbour-kuri-pt_BR.ts` if there are big differences between these Portuguese flavours. For each tranlated string, you have to remove the `type="unfinished"` atribute. I hope it's not too cumbersome, I did not have time to move the translations to a maybe more convenient online service.
If it's too much to fully translate it immediatelly, I'm also happy to merge partially translated files.
Sat, 2020/05/09 - 12:39
I've used MeeRun for several years and I'm still using it even though it's not developed anymore.
I'd really would like to migrate all my workouts to any new app I might use. So is there anyone here who might be interested in converting MeeRun workouts to gpx or some other format? Or pointing me to a right direction on how to do it? I have programming experience and tried to figure out MeeRuns file format but did not have skills to figure it out.
There is an export to gpx feature in MeeRun so I could just export workouts one by one. But the programmer in me really want's to automate it. Probably won' me any time though...
Mon, 2020/07/20 - 21:54
Sorry for not responding quickly.
I also have some MeeRun trainings which I want to import to Kuri. It's on my todo list, but I currently don't have much time. Hopefully I can do it in September/October. My current plan is to use the exported GPX files, but I will also check if I can reverse engineer the file format. Any help is appreciated.
If you want to reverse engineer it by yourself, you could try the following:
- record a short track with MeeRun, maybe 1 or 2 seconds
- repeat that for a few times
- export those files to GPX
- open the MeeRun files in a hex editor and compare them to the GPX file
- the MeeRun files will have a few similarities at the top, e.g. the date and training type
- try to change the MeeRun files in a hex editor and open it in MeeRun
- strings may either have the length as 4/8 bytes as length in front of the actual string, a `\0` or both
- list, like the track points, will most probably have their length prepended as 4/8 bytes
- keep in mind that the files might be encoded in little endian, so a length of 333 will be `0x4D 0x01 0x00 0x00` instead of `0x00 0x00 0x01 0x4D`
If you need help, just ping me. I try to find some time to support you if you want to implement this feature.
Thu, 2020/04/09 - 08:46
So where is code?
Thu, 2020/04/09 - 14:23
Oh, I just updated the description.
Fri, 2020/04/10 - 07:54
Thanks! Updated translation comming soon™. ;)
Mon, 2020/04/06 - 15:31
Kudos to Jens Drescher and all the other conributors to Laufhelden. I did not do much, yet.
I do not use Sports Tracker, therefore I need support from other contributors. Patches are welcome.
Tue, 2020/03/31 - 15:45
This app is awesome. It works flawlessly, when Sports Tracker was regularly crashing. The Sports Tracker upload option does not work, but I can live without that.
Thank you !
Thu, 2020/03/12 - 00:28
@cartron Laufhelden is not maintained anymore and Jens moved to Android, so there will probably be no further releases
Tue, 2020/03/10 - 23:01
@Karry this all started with the idea to contribute it to Laufhelden, over two years ago. But I never finished it and now Laufhelden is not maintained anymore, so I decided to create the fork.
Tue, 2020/03/10 - 22:57
@oxygenh theoretically it should already support HRM. I don't own a HRM device (yet?), so I cannot check if it work's and therefore I need the support of the community
Wed, 2020/03/11 - 00:11
HRM works in Laufhelden indeed, I tested it like one year ago.
Why forking Laufhelden and not just asking Jens if you could contribute??
Tue, 2020/03/10 - 12:06
Did you consider to contribute to Laufhelden insted of creating fork? In any case, keep working ;-)
Mon, 2020/03/09 - 17:08
Nice begin! How about hrm support?
Mon, 2020/03/09 - 12:56
Hahaha, I guess that's the problem with such short names. In many languages there might already be a meaning for it.
Mon, 2020/03/09 - 11:52
It's even more funny that in Russian it could mean "do smoke"))