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qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for SailfishOS written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX Snow Leopard.

What is Google Voice? See Wikipedia and the Google Voice About page

You will need a Google Voice account that has been fully set up with its own number and a linked mobile or home phone. Use your desktop browser to complete the set up.
Once your account is set up, log in to your GV account using qgvdial.
qgvdial will show you your Google contacts, your call/text history and dialer.

If you encounter issues, please send me logs by clicking on the "Send logs" button.


Application versions: 
File qgvdial-0.4.1879.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm390.29 KB10/01/2015 - 07:43
File qgvdial-0.4.1881.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm393.58 KB22/02/2015 - 20:19
File qgvdial-0.4.1883.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm394.71 KB25/02/2015 - 09:15
File qgvdial-0.4.1886.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm394.72 KB20/03/2015 - 17:33
File qgvdial-0.4.1893.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm392.38 KB01/06/2015 - 00:31
File qgvdial-0.4.1902.sailfishos.armv7hl.rpm392.15 KB01/08/2015 - 05:49

* Fix login problems

* Fix login problems

* Repository moved
* Inbox refresh fixes * Dial screen focus fix

* Fix login
* Throttle cleaning up dangling files

* Mark as read works again

* Fixed crash on start
* Font size for inbox page
* Messages for login verification and account recovery options


enigma9o7's picture

I cannot.

rzr's picture

Can u still log in

yuvraaj's picture

qgvdial does not have an "inbuilt dialer" like the one in gmail.
The only way I knew how to make that work was XMPP. However, in May 2014 Google Voice ended support for XMPP.
I've heard that it might be possible again, but I have not investigated it.

The only way I've used qgvdial outside the US is with my Callcentric VOIP account.

I've seen your logs: I can see that your account is "gmail only".

aQUICK1's picture

I have a voice account its same as  gmail account ( i have  entered my international phone number but  the apps seeing it as a local us number and added +1 instead of +31. i have al my  contacts  there also, but not usable  in  voice just able to make calls in gmail itself, so  ur app on sailfish is not  working for people outside the US, same as the Google voice app itself.

iI hope its  clear for u what im saying, greetz

yuvraaj's picture

I do understand what you mean.
As you said, Google Voice is currently not supported for people outside of the USA.
However, that doesn't mean people who may have gone out of the USA (work, vacation, military etc.) shouldn't get to call (using VOIP) and send SMS texts to people in the US free of charge.

At least a couple of users have expressed their wish to use qgvdial outside the USA and thats why I have tested it outside the US.
It does work for me.

aQUICK1's picture

I understand u clearly, maybe  in the near  future its possible for more sailfish user from out of  US,  thnx again for ur excelent work and replies,  greetings from the Netherlands

aQUICK1's picture

Thanks for ur hard work developing this app for many platforms, on sailfish its installable but not  working, as im  from outside the US , and have the latest sialfish  installed.


yuvraaj's picture

Please click on Et Cetera -> Send Logs
I'll have a look at it.

aQUICK1's picture

Just send u  the log, as i can call from in gmail only , outside us option,  but  not  have credit  to  test.

Im curious if this app works better as skype or as my voip app voipbuster, on  sailfish, kind  regards