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The new podQast player in the Forbidden Fruits variant: All that cannot be done with harbour possibilities and bleeding edge stuff - probably not working...

With 2.70 all development stuff can be found here which will then be released in harbour.

Version sheme:


develorrelase odd: Develop release (2.70-0), even Harbour release (2.60-0)



Application versions: 
File harbour-podqast-1.7-0ff.noarch.rpm434.16 KB24/11/2018 - 16:15
File harbour-podqast-1.8-0ff.noarch.rpm435.75 KB04/12/2018 - 23:46
File harbour-podqast-1.9-0ff.noarch.rpm436.23 KB08/12/2018 - 17:53
File harbour-podqast-1.11-0ff.noarch.rpm606.76 KB28/12/2018 - 00:38
File harbour-podqast-1.12-0ff.noarch.rpm607.96 KB29/12/2018 - 15:09
File harbour-podqast-2.0-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB20/01/2019 - 00:57
File harbour-podqast-2.1-1ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB24/01/2019 - 21:09
File harbour-podqast-2.2-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB03/02/2019 - 21:48
File harbour-podqast-2.3-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB23/02/2019 - 22:45
File harbour-podqast-2.4-0ff.noarch.rpm1.26 MB20/07/2019 - 18:31
File harbour-podqast-2.5-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB22/07/2019 - 15:43
File harbour-podqast-2.6-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB15/08/2019 - 13:13
File harbour-podqast-2.7-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB10/11/2019 - 23:35
File harbour-podqast-2.9-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB28/04/2020 - 20:51
File harbour-podqast-2.10-0ff.noarch.rpm1.2 MB05/05/2020 - 16:29
File harbour-podqast-2.11-0ff.noarch.rpm1.2 MB06/05/2020 - 19:00
File harbour-podqast-2.12-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB08/05/2020 - 10:58
File harbour-podqast-2.13-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB11/07/2020 - 23:07
File harbour-podqast-2.14-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB12/07/2020 - 20:23
File harbour-podqast-2.17-0.noarch.rpm966.21 KB04/02/2021 - 22:54
File harbour-podqast-2.17-1ff.noarch.rpm966.96 KB04/02/2021 - 23:56
File harbour-podqast-2.18-0ff.noarch.rpm966.96 KB06/02/2021 - 00:36
File harbour-podqast-2.20-0ff.noarch.rpm1.32 MB01/04/2021 - 22:33
File harbour-podqast-2.21-0ff.noarch.rpm1.32 MB04/04/2021 - 14:59
File harbour-podqast-2.23-0ff.noarch.rpm1.29 MB13/11/2021 - 15:33
File harbour-podqast-2.70-0.noarch.rpm1.3 MB27/11/2022 - 16:45
File harbour-podqast-2.71-0.noarch.rpm1.39 MB30/01/2023 - 13:35

Version 2.71-0

- disable Sandbox

Version 2.70-0

- Episode images

Version 2.23-0ff

- new tutorial
- switching over to downloaded file when streaming
- streaming indicator
- episode search in podcast view
- option to disable autoplay next in queue
- feed pagination support
- has been played marker
- event log
- several bugfixes and hopefully not to many new bugs

Version 2.21-0ff

- migration fixes #40

Version 2.20-0ff

- move to sql based data model (speed up) thanks to thigg

Version 2.18-0ff

- Small correction for backward compatibility

Version 2.17-1ff

- new context menus for SFOS 4.0

Version 2.14-0ff

- sv translation update

Version 2.13-0ff

- Chapter selection thanks to Lukas J. See https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/-/merge_requests/34

Version 2.12-0ff

- Fixing translations

Version 2.11-0ff

- fix wizzard (thanks to Lauri Kopo)

Version 2.10-0ff
- fix race condition if external directory does not exist.

Version 2.9-0ff

- fyyd.de search engine

Version 2.7-0ff

- Chinese translations by dashinfantry
- Correct update when on mobile

Version 2.6-0ff

- French translations, thanks to Luis Turpinat

Version 2.5-0ff

- Merge !25 - Use regex replace for podtrack circumvention

Version 2.4-0ff

- SFOS 3.1.0 icon fixing
- some pyhon tuning

Version 2.3-0ff

- Discover by URL with better edit handling
- More descriptive "Auto post limit reached"

Version 2.2-0ff

- usage tuning (same icon for archiving like history, set sleep timer more visible)
- changes in internal data structure
- bug fixes
Version 2.1-1ff

- Sleep timer: Never sleep your playlist empty again!
- Global sleep time in preferences
- Start/Stop sleep timer in player drop down
- Long pressing sleep timer icon resets to default time
- Possibility to direct archive posts in posts list

Version 2.0-0ff

- Side loading - put files into Music/podqast/external (needs opt-in in preferences)
- better handling in moving items in playlist
- many bug fixes

Version 1.12-0ff

- preferences: keep favorites downloaded
- preferences: allow to change the refresh time
- favorites symlinks in ~/podqast/favorites when downloaded

Version 1.11-0ff

- minor bugfix in library list elements

Version 1.10-0ff

- general bug fixes
- tuned library page (full scrolling)
- fix hanging podcasts refresh - if a podcast refresh fails

Version 1.9-0ff

- rudimentary bluetooth support (not all devices working)
- first help pages

Version 1.8-0ff

- work around for not well formed enclosures
- work around for bozo=1 invalid character set
- opml export

Version 1.7-0ff

- Fixing tumblr tweets (thanks to @flesser)
- File picker for OPML import
- Preferences: flag to enable experimental features
- Experimental: Backup - no restore by now (see tmo podqast thread...)

Version 1.6-0ff

- Indexing for inbox
- cosmetics

All changes:

https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/ff (forbidden fruits)

https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/master (harbour)


3vixan's picture

After the last SFOS update I don't find my subscriptions. In the Library the message “Collecting Podcasts” remains fixed

cy8aer's picture

You might talk about the SFOS version Try to install the new update which is available for early adopters since yesterday, oct 8, 2020. There the problem is fixed. See: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/3-4-0-22-python3-sqlite-missing/2430/35 for further information what happened.

3vixan's picture

Many thanks! Solved with the

yusssufff's picture

The ''erase history also doesnt work for me... Its like all these bustton/commands were frozen on XA2 3.3.... 

Any idea why?

thank you!

cy8aer's picture

Together with the other post (no update anymore) it looks like some scrambled data set. Are you able to save the opml (Discover -> Export -> Save as OPML).

Then move away /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-podqast and start podqast again. You then are able to import the opml to get your feeds back (but then you loose your history). 

yusssufff's picture

Hi! thanks for answer! and do you think there are ways to fix these scampled data set?

i use podquast on a pretty virgin XA2 so i guess this problem maybe similar on other XA2s....

yusssufff's picture

hi! Yes that trick does work...

but fixing the 'refresh' within the app would be great....

yusssufff's picture


im using the jolla store version on XA2.

Thank you for a great app!

I just have a problem: i just cannot manage to 'refresh' podcasts... a click on the refresh button of the libary page or a long press on the podcast to refresh...none work....

inta's picture

Yes, it's working like before. Thank you for your great work! :)

inta's picture

Translations are no longer working in the latest release at openrepos.

cy8aer's picture

Sorry about that. There is a 2.12-0ff out now with working translations (hopefully). There seems to be a problem with my deployment system.

mattikbk's picture

The app crashed and now the playlist is empty. And it stays empty even if I add something. Is there a way to get it back without resetting everything?

cy8aer's picture

(first: leave podqast and after a backup - settings: experimental functions set, discover->export->backup).

Then: delete file /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-podqast/store/cadda373c547afec7792d24db35e484641d9637c8c0c18218eeadf1adee187f6.pickle

This is the playlist. Of course it will be empty after restart but should work again.

pakman's picture

Hi, ff 2.7 is available at https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/pipelines but doesn't seem to have made it to OpenRepos yet - is this deliberate? Thanks for any info.

cy8aer's picture

No, not really. Just forgot the upload...


b3pio's picture

Search function doesnt seem to work for me.

cy8aer's picture

Working on it but this also takes time: I am thinking to swap from https://gpodder.net to https://panoptikum.io

Looks more promising but there a complete new code ist needed.


mattikbk's picture

My Library started to show up as empty.  It was just "Rendering / Collecting Podcasts", but never showed anything else. In shell output i got the error:

Exception in thread Thread-22:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 917, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 865, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/harbour-podqast/qml/components/FeedParser.py", line 96, in get_podcasts
    for podcast in pclist.get_podcasts():
  File "/usr/share/harbour-podqast/python/podcast/podcastlist.py", line 69, in get_podcasts
    if pc.subscribed:
AttributeError: 'Podcast' object has no attribute 'subscribed'


Playlist and Inbox were OK, but I couldn't edit my subscriptions or browse old episodes. But before publishing this comment, I decided to try re-adding a podcast (via "Discover / Search") that I knew had a new post which did not show up in the inbox. And now Library works again! So I guess there was an error in that one podcast.

But as a lesson from this, it would be nice if Library could somehow handle broken podcasts. Maybe just skip them or, if possible, mark them as broken.


pakman's picture

I'm getting exactly the same, but I don't know which subscription is causing problems. Annoyingly I accidentally marked a podcast as listened, and without the lilbrary view I have no way of getting it back. Is there a way (even from the command-line) of getting some kind of report about the status of subscrptions that would help me track this down?

EDIT: I managed to figure out which subscription was causing the problem, but I had to hack the Python to do it. Entered the URL again in discover, and got the library back, but it wiped my playlist ;) Oh well, it could be a lot worse!

mase's picture

Bluetooth buttons are working after I started the mpris proxy.

cy8aer's picture

@mase: You are still on XperiaX, aren't you? I did not expect that the mpris-proxy is switched off on some devices... How did you start it (I do not see any systemd service or an binary with a name like mpris)?

mase's picture

Yes, I am still on the XperiaX. I added a systemd service like described here: https://together.jolla.com/question/174156/bug-bluetooth-media-control-w...

cy8aer's picture

Ok, I got it running (additional https://together.jolla.com/question/174156/bug-bluetooth-media-control-w... how to get it installed). Need to test it now...
[update: oups just another point of the same document]

Thank you.

hakkl's picture

first of all a great podcast-client with many features, e.g. chapter marks... Thanks for that. Unfortunately, I find the handling partly very unintuitive, or impractical. For example, you could display text next to the icons. That the folder characters "archive this" means took me a moment. Or the sleep timer (super feature), but does the colored one, or the white indicate that the timer is active?

Maybe I can support you in the development?

Greets and thank you for this nice app.

cy8aer's picture

hm I tuned a bit (as always: next release):

  • the whole sleep timer slider will be highlighted when enabled and the text is expaned to "running..."
  • small status icon on play dock
  • I switched the archive icon to the history icon which is used to enter the history page from library

Feel free for support on https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast.

cy8aer's picture

When looking at the episode list (https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/wikis/help-podlist), first post, there is the description *2h5m* - nach einer blah blah... You can also see it in the playlist (https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/wikis/help-playlist) CR252 blahblah - next line 1h58.

You can put an episode to the archive (long press the episode, then the folder icon) in Inbox. Then you can see your before listened episodes in Library->History. 

I can put the folder icon in the episode list context menues too so that you are able to put the episodes into History from the episode list, even if you are  not subscribed to the podcast (search the podcast, click image in the subscription page and then select->folder in every post you like).

mase's picture

Can you make already played episodes markable, maybe by greying out?

I miss some housekeeping features. When importing my opml, every episode

is fresh. Do you plan such features?


cy8aer's picture

Already played episodes have the state "listened" otherwise it has "10m remaining/playing" for not full played and "8m" for not played episodes.

OPML just gives information about a podcast url not about it's posts. I am thinking about connecting the podqast to a gpodder user setup. With this you will have a state to every post including the time it is already played. But this is mid term, please stay tuned.

mase's picture

I know about opml. After  importing it, I'd like to (mass) mark played episodes.

I cannot see the episode state in the list with the first look. Or did I miss something?

Is it possible to put older unplayed episodes manually into the inbox?

Gpodder.net wasn't very reliable in my last tests. I often ended in duplicate or more entries. I also tested wth Gpodder on the desktop. Maybe it is better now.

cy8aer's picture

Oups sorry. But with this functuonality I do not have any clue how it works. But I keep in mind!
