DeadBeef Silica

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A Sailfish port of the DeadBeef audio player.

NEW: Finnish translation


  • Wide range of supported formats:
    • Lossy audio: MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, DTS, WMA, MusePack, MP2, MP1
    • Lossless audio: FLAC, APE, WavPack, ALAC, TTA, Shorten
    • Uncompressed audio: WAV, AIFF
    • Tracker music: MOD, XM, IT, S3M, STM, PTM, MTM, 669
    • Game music: GBS, AY
    • SID tunes
    • MIDI (requires FreePats package installed)
    • Other rare audio formats (most of them are not tested)
  • Cuesheet (.CUE files) support
  • Gapless playback
  • Streaming radio support
  • Multiple playlists support with ability to save and load playlists in M3U, M3U8, PLS and native DBPL formats
  • Support for tags in various formats
  • Playback Queue support
  • 18-band graphical equalizer
  • Support for various playback orders (linear, shuffle tracks, shuffle albums, random) and looping modes (loop all, loop single song, do not loop)
  • scrobbling support
  • Support for controlling playback through the buttons on a lockscreen
  • Support for controlling playback through Bluetooth headset buttons. It currently works on a phones with Bluez5 only (Sailfish X at least). Support for phones with Bluez4 (Jolla 1 and some others) is expected some time later.
  • Support for controlling playback throught wired headset button (Call/Hangup single-press - play/pause, double-press - next track, triple-press - previous track)
  • Support for playing files directly from ZIP files
  • Option to restore previous session at startup

Available and upcoming translations:

Статус перевода

Please feel free to propose your own translation or a fix for existing one using online translation service.

Known issues:

  • MMS streaming protocol is supported but currently broken
  • ALAC is currently broken
  • PLS playlist format is currently broken
  • BT headset unplugging always pauses playback no matter if "Pause playback when headset is unplugged" option is enabled or disabled

Please use bug tracker to file bug reports and feature requests.

Application versions: 
File deadbeef-silica-0.1-10.3.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm102.59 KB25/12/2017 - 18:20
File deadbeef-silica-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1019.3 KB23/04/2019 - 19:54
File deadbeef-silica-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm183.05 KB08/06/2019 - 17:36
File deadbeef-silica-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm203.08 KB24/08/2019 - 11:32
File deadbeef-silica-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm200.94 KB09/11/2019 - 17:29
File deadbeef-silica-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm201.25 KB19/01/2020 - 15:38
File deadbeef-silica-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm206.85 KB09/02/2020 - 13:33
File deadbeef-silica-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm208.32 KB22/02/2020 - 14:27
File deadbeef-silica-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm212.84 KB12/04/2020 - 15:58

- Added Finnish translation

Full changelog


kravich's picture

>Еще хотелось бы что бы плеер не терял воспроизводимую дорожку после закрытия.

Уже поддерживается, правда, в еще не зарелиженной версии =) Будет через некоторое время.

mister13x's picture

Привет! Так что с сохранением, так и не работает?

kravich's picture

Привет! Попробую зарелизить в следующей версии. Должна выйти на днях.

mister13x's picture

Вот это хорошая новость.

kravich's picture

Управление через Bluetooth гарнитуру наконец-то подъехало. Правда, пока поддерживаются только часть устройств: те, что на Sailfish X и, может быть, еще некоторые другие. Поддержка остальной части устройств будет несколько позже.

mister13x's picture

Отличный плеер, спасибо за работу, но есть одно но, нельзя ли сделать управление с блютуз гарнитуры?

kravich's picture

Эта фича будет в следующей версии, которая должна выйти уже скоро

AndreasSchuette's picture

Thank you, i'm really locking forward this feature! I'll love to see it in one of the next releases! Regards Andreas

AndreasSchuette's picture

hi, does DeadBeef Silica supports wired headset buttons?

kravich's picture

Hi! Wired headset support is implemented, please check it out and report issues if you find any.

It's important to mention that pausing playback on headset detach is not implemented in this version, but I hope to provide it in future.

kravich's picture

Hi! No, not yet. I've added this feature to the plans for the one of the next versions.

Ezreal's picture

Please add search function, it is too troublesome to find music now.

kravich's picture

Hi! By search do you mean media library function like in a default player? Or do you mean "search inside playlist" function that allows to find specific item inside already populated playlist?

vladimir912's picture

Не могли бы Вы сделать порт для N9 (Harmattan)?

kravich's picture

Я могу это сделать, но с двумя условиями:

  1. Это точно не будет быстро
  2. Ты будешь тестером порта =)


vladimir912's picture

Идёт! Спасибо, что откликнулись!

egortro42's picture

Что ж, и я тогда буду тестером. Идёт?
Более того, если в Мосвкве живёшь или подмосковье, могу и аппарат отдать. Состояние на троечку, но почти полностью рабочий. Будешь третьим тестером:)

kravich's picture

Да, идет =)

Живу я во Владивостоке, так что твой аппарат мне просто так не заполучить, но я уже почти вырулил N9 у себя, так что устройство для разработки у меня будет.

Я напишу в личку, когда уже появится что-то конкретное.

egortro42's picture

Отлично, буду ждать!

raffles496's picture

Installed and work fine so far in my Xperia XA2 with Thanks for you work and time.

kravich's picture


Historyscholar's picture

I want to translate it to Chinese ,can you add it to the website?thanks:)

kravich's picture

Hi! The language I should add is Chinese (Simplified) zh_Hans, correct?

Historyscholar's picture


kravich's picture

Done. Thank you for your interest in translating app!

mixmax's picture is missing. Is it what you report before the app description ?

Do you plan to fix it quickly ?

Tks a lot.

kravich's picture

Hi! I'm sorry it took so long. Problem should be fixed now, please check if everything works as expected.

247's picture

Oh good to hear, i do guess the artists view is still very far, right?

kravich's picture

>artists view is still very far, right?

Unfortunately, yes.

247's picture

Just played an ape + cue, and it work flawlessy :) but noticed that bluetooth keys in car stereo are not working (default media player works fine)
