inky's hardware keyboard layouts

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Hardware layouts (for wired or bluetooth keyboard) for Armenian (typewriter), Programmer's Dvorak, Georgian, Russian (phonetic), Chinese layouts. Enjoy.

1.1-1 added chinese

(i have converted chinese xkb layouts, but as i understand they map to latin letters. there should be something else to parse those letters, i guess, this pinyin engine may be. so chinese people who has more experience with this may help me and other users of this package by providing hints).

1.0-2 initial.

Jolla 1 requires reboot for some reason, in order to show the input methods in Settings - Text Input - Hardware keyboard layouts.

Xperia XA2 under the same 3.2 sfos does not require a reboot.


more info here:

Application versions: 
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.0-2.noarch.rpm31.95 KB01/11/2019 - 16:23
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.0-2.src_.rpm6.72 KB01/11/2019 - 16:23
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.0-2.noarch.rpm31.95 KB01/11/2019 - 16:56
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.0-2.src_.rpm6.72 KB01/11/2019 - 16:56
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.1-1.noarch.rpm32.19 KB01/11/2019 - 16:58
File keyboard-hw-inky-1.1-1.src_.rpm6.73 KB01/11/2019 - 16:58



Historyscholar's picture

Nothing happened?How about"zhongguo"(China),then you can see"中国".

Historyscholar's picture

for Chinese Pinyin(zh_CN)

Historyscholar's picture If it can support Chinese Pinyin with this IME?

norayr's picture

i added two chinese layouts, but when i try to write with those, nothing happens.

i probably don't know how to write. can you try those layouts?

Historyscholar's picture


norayr's picture


no problem! can you give me the name of the linux layout?

You can find the names of the layouts from /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/cn file.

So I found there:


inky@ohmu /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols $ cat cn | grep xkb_symbols
xkb_symbols "basic" {
xkb_symbols "tib" {
xkb_symbols "tib_asciinum" {
xkb_symbols "ug" {
xkb_symbols "altgr-pinyin" {

I guess you need just "basic" ?