OSM Scout Server

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OSM Scout Server is a native offline maps provider. This server can be used as a drop-in replacement for online map services providing map tiles, search, and routing. As a result, together with the map client, a full offline solution is available for map search and navigation (car, bicycle, and walking).

The server can be used to provide:

  • map tiles for other applications;
  • search for locations and free text search;
  • search for POIs next to a reference;
  • calculate the route between two or more locations.

To use the server, you have to start it and configure the client to access it. Poor Maps and modRana have support for the server already with no additional configuration needed.

NB! Updates are currently posted at Chum repositories only.


Specific update instructions:

1.15.0 Valhalla database format has been updated. Please update maps after installation.

1.14.3 I suggest to uninstall old version of the server, check if anything stayed in /usr/share/harbour-osmscout-server and if that folder is there and/or not empty, remove it using devel-su. After that, install a new version (1.14.3 and up).

NB! When Mapbox GL schema is changed (as for 1.4.0), please remove Mapbox GL application caches.

NB! When a new backend is added, such as with the release of 0.9.0 and 0.10.0, please ensure that you have subscription information updated. For that, in Map Manager, click on "Check for updates", decline updates, and unsubscribe/subscribe each territory that you have subscribed. After that, proceed with the downloads. This is not needed if you don't want to use the added backend(s).

For detailed up-to-date description, please see https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server/blob/master/README.md

License: GPL
Source code: https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server

User's guide: https://rinigus.github.io/osmscout-server

Official TMO thread: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=97823

Donations: https://rinigus.github.io/donate

Screenshots show the running server and, as an example client application, Poor Maps accessing the map tiles and calculated route prior to navigation.

Maps are hosted by Natural Language Processing Centre (https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/en/ , Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) through modRana (http://modrana.org)
data repository.

Map data from OpenStreetMap, Open Database License 1.0. Maps are converted to a suitable format from downloaded extracts and/or using polygons as provided by Geofabrik GmbH.

Application versions: 
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.13.1-1.107.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm11.67 MB01/02/2019 - 00:01
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.13.1-1.107.1.jolla_.i486.rpm12.65 MB01/02/2019 - 00:01
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.14.5-1.116.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm5.82 MB23/05/2019 - 08:04
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.14.5-1.116.1.jolla_.i486.rpm6.61 MB23/05/2019 - 08:04
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.0-1.119.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.17 MB22/09/2019 - 08:29
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.0-1.119.1.jolla_.i486.rpm7.01 MB22/09/2019 - 08:29
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.5-1.120.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.18 MB29/10/2019 - 23:45
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.5-1.120.1.jolla_.i486.rpm7.01 MB29/10/2019 - 23:45
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.6-1.125.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.68 MB30/11/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.15.6-1.125.1.jolla_.i486.rpm7.58 MB30/11/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.16.0-1.127.1.jolla_.i486.rpm7.65 MB23/01/2020 - 19:32
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.16.0-1.127.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.72 MB23/01/2020 - 19:32
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.16.1-1.129.1.jolla_.i486.rpm8.25 MB07/05/2020 - 20:39
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.16.1-1.129.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.97 MB07/05/2020 - 20:39
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.17.0-1.132.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.97 MB25/07/2020 - 19:39
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.17.0-1.132.1.jolla_.i486.rpm8.25 MB25/07/2020 - 19:39
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.17.1-1.135.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm7.14 MB20/11/2020 - 22:18
File harbour-osmscout-server-1.17.1-1.135.2.jolla_.i486.rpm8.43 MB23/11/2020 - 22:23
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.0-1.137.1.jolla_.i486.rpm7.97 MB29/03/2021 - 22:50
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.0-1.137.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm6.78 MB29/03/2021 - 22:50
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.1-1.aarch64.rpm6.93 MB16/04/2021 - 21:28
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.2-1.aarch64.rpm6.93 MB16/05/2021 - 21:49
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm6.79 MB16/05/2021 - 21:49
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.0.2-1.i486.rpm7.99 MB17/05/2021 - 17:43
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.0-1.4.1.jolla_.i486.rpm8.31 MB28/10/2021 - 19:13
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.0-1.4.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm8.81 MB28/10/2021 - 19:13
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.0-1.4.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm8.37 MB28/10/2021 - 19:13
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.1-1.3.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm8.81 MB29/10/2021 - 18:57
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.1-1.3.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm8.38 MB29/10/2021 - 18:57
File harbour-osmscout-server-2.1.1-1.3.1.jolla_.i486.rpm8.32 MB29/10/2021 - 18:57


amaretzek's picture

Hi rinigus!
Nice things you created, thanks.
On SFOS I can't install 1.15.0, I get missing GLIBC_2.28, 1.14 I can't download maps and SFOS 3.1 kills distinctive ringtones. Is there a way out (have offline maps on 3.0.3)? Thanks.

rinigus's picture

I presume that you are hitting a bug https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server/issues/318

So far, I don't know a solution and I am not sure when I will have time to work on it.

amaretzek's picture

not sure I could follow the rationale. Just checked, J1 w 1.15.0 is ok there, just not enough RAM to run Pure Maps, everything stalls, even Clock crashes... BTW, using OBS sailfish_3.0.2.8 gives me "requires libicudata.so.52" on install (SFOS 3.0.3). Now, between having Pure Maps wo distinctive ringtones on Xperia X and no Pure Maps but distinctive ringtones, I choose the latter one. Thanks.

kohle's picture

Hi rinigus!

I've just installed version 1.15.0-1.119.1 from the repository http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/rinigus:/maps/sailfish_3.0.2.8_armv... on a JollaC with SailfishOS version

After starting the app on the command-line I receive the following error:

*** Error in `harbour-osmscout-server': munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0xb80bc04c ***

Do you have some hints for me to solve this?


rinigus's picture

From short searching around it sounded like freeing pointer which has been modified. As for why - no idea currently. I had to recompile OSM Scout Server with opt-gcc6 (due to Valhalla), maybe this is leading to it. So, I wonder if its time to update for newer SFOS? Or that is somehow blocked on JC?

rinigus's picture

... alternative would be making special opt-gcc6 at OBS and recompiling with that for lower releases.

kohle's picture

Hi rinigus!

I finally took the "risk" to make a system update to SailfishOS Everything went well and afterwards I successfully installed OSM Scout Server. Sorry for bothering you and thank you for your great effort!


ferlanero's picture

OSM Scout Server already works as expected again, thanks!!

dirksche's picture


csg1976's picture

Thanks a ton!

dirksche's picture

By opening PureMaps Server still not activating automatically. I have to start the server app by tapping the icon.

rinigus's picture

Which sailfish os version do you use? If it's 3.0.3.x, please see tmo thread

dirksche's picture

Okay. I did read this thread before and I thought your latest update would solve this problem. Missunderstanding. Thanks

carmenfdezb's picture

Ok, thanks for your answer :)

carmenfdezb's picture

The same for me

hesep's picture

Ok. Thanks

hesep's picture

Pure Maps and ofline maps on Scout Server are a nice combo. After SFOS update tu 3.0.3 I need to tap Scout Server running to get connection to it with Pure Maps. Not a big problem but earlier I needed open only Pure Maps.

olf's picture
ferlanero's picture

Thank you for your great effort. OSM Scout Server and Pure Maps are my main navigation system actually.

rinigus's picture

Bugfix release is out - should work now

ferlanero's picture

Yes!! Now it works as expected! Thank you very much for your quick fix!

ferlanero's picture

I can't start OSM Scout Server in last version. It says I "haven't got installed OSM Scout Server: Fonts" and I do.

rinigus's picture

Thanks for reporting! I can reproduce the issue - let me look into it

247's picture

Yes, does it start

rinigus's picture

There have been some messages at TMO regarding similar(?) issue. I'll reply in that official thread.

247's picture

Hi rinigus, noticed osmscout is not able to calculate routes anymore in 3.0.3, pure maps is able to follow me but not to calculate routes so i guess it's a osmscout problem

rinigus's picture

Can you try to run the server as an application? Does it start in 3.0.3?

dirksche's picture

Thanks.That would be great.

dirksche's picture

Thank you for this application. It's just great. I use it together with PureMaps. Just a little question: is there any offline map (germany) that shows railway stations? Thunderforest offline would be great.

rinigus's picture

I will have to make specific style for highligting public transport using the same data as currently used on the maps. Have been busy with Pure Maps lately, but will get to the server development at some point (don't want to use soon in this context)
