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Bumblr is a beatiful Qt/QML based Tumblr app for N9, N950. It supports almost all the features that are provided by current Tumblr public API i.e., posting, reblog, editing, like-unlike follow-unfollow, tag search, etc.

Application versions: 
File bumblr_2.5.0_armel.deb934.29 KB19/04/2014 - 11:57
File bumblr_2.5.1_armel.deb931.88 KB20/04/2014 - 14:12
File bumblr_2.5.2_armel.deb933.54 KB30/04/2014 - 22:40
File bumblr_2.5.3_armel.deb933.56 KB01/05/2014 - 13:28
File bumblr_2.6.0_armel.deb942.58 KB15/10/2014 - 22:41

bumblr (2.6.0) stable; urgency=normal
* Settings option for default caption & tags for new posts.
* Option for setting offset while filtering blog's posts.
* Minor performance and UI fixes.


hooddy's picture

The blank page bug is gone. Thank you so much. There is typo Fetching dashoboard posts screen. Please fix it in next planning update.

hooddy's picture

Thanks for update. But I'm still have this issue.

Open my profile - open Following - open any blog - open any post and there is blank page.

Open post from home page is works well.

imaginaryenemy's picture

Same here.

hooddy's picture

Thank you for update. But there is another one issue. It doesn't show content of post from Following menu just empty screen.

shwstppr's picture

Will be fixing that soon!

hooddy's picture

When I type search string in search blog field Bumblr is just close. The same is when I select following blog.

shwstppr's picture

Sorry for the bug, will check and fix it tomorrow!

hooddy's picture

It's okay when developer is stays in touch. And tank you for donate version.