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fork of matoking's filetug with the following changes:

-case insensitive file extension matching
-swipe left to shortcuts instead of to parent dir
-cleanup shortcuts view
-no push-up menus anywhere (moved to pull-down)

(license of original Filetug is public domain. license of changes is also public domain, if possible)

Application versions: 
File harbour-filetug-0.2-9.armv7hl.rpm111.61 KB08/12/2018 - 23:16
File harbour-filetug-0.3-0.armv7hl.rpm111.75 KB08/12/2018 - 23:42
File harbour-filetug-0.3-2.armv7hl.rpm112.62 KB10/12/2018 - 00:09
File harbour-filetug-0.3-2.aarch64.rpm131.69 KB27/01/2022 - 19:29

-fix long-standing bug where ".thumbs/" dir is created when you open an image, even with cache=false
-add "tar.gz" file operation for system call "tar -czf", adding selected files relative to current dir to "filetug-TIMESTAMP.tar.gz" to current dir

-refresh last location when navigating to shortcuts

-case insensitive file extension matching
-swipe left to shortcuts instead of to parent dir
-cleanup shortcuts view
-no push-up menus anywhere (moved to pull-down)


teleshoes's picture

added "tar.gz" button in file-selection menu. quick and dirty, but should work. as for unpacking, if you do "open" on a tar.gz it already opens an extractor program that puts it in downloads, for me at least

also, finally fixed that ".thumbs/" dir bug. i HATE programs implicitly editing my files, messing up my dir timestamps, etc, etc

cvp's picture

Cool thanks a lot :)   Could you possibly add an pack/unpack feature for zip,rar,tar etc. ?

teleshoes's picture

yep, it was in fact easy. i need to remove a (longstanding) bug where .thumbs dir gets created when you open an image, even if you have cache=false in settings, and then ill push a new release. (also, im assuming that everyone has tar command in their path)

teleshoes's picture

probably not, would be quite a lot of work. theres not even a multi-select feature in filetug. (though maybe for unpack, you could just [Open] the RAR file and have whatever handles that do the unpacking for you)

Markkyboy's picture

There certainly IS a multi-select feature in Filetug.

teleshoes's picture

LOLOL, will you look at that! :D

maybe i can do this, then. ill take a look