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Top like application. Show applications/processes on your cell phone sorted either by CPU or memory usage. You can also terminate/kill selected process. Cover page shows average load.

Important notice:

  • Do not kill stuff unless you know what you are doing, can lead into lot of troubles.
  • Memory column shows RSS (Resident Set Size) which is not a real memory usage. It includes shared resources, so the number is typically bigger.
  • Average load doesn't mean CPU utilization as it includes processes waiting for io as well. See wikipedia.

Current status of application is somewhere around beta. It works and it's not
gonna eat your kittens (if you are careful), but there might be (and probably
are) bugs. Especially regarding filtering apps. If you have a good (specific
and implementable) idea how to improve the application, let me know. Patches
are also very welcome. Direct both to github.

Application versions: 
File harbour-crest-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm28.57 KB20/02/2014 - 02:31
File harbour-crest-1.3.1-1.armv7hl.rpm29.17 KB11/04/2014 - 21:51


  • add scrollbar


  • allow reverse sorting
  • uptime on cover


  • horizontal mode support
  • improved filtering
  • fixed sorting by name


  • Harbour only version without dependencies but with big warning telling user to fix it by himself


  • fixed not to refresh screen when application is in background


  • menu to terminate/kill applications


  • showing top like screen


Warburgia's picture

Hi Miska, thank you for the app. Forgive me, but I don't see how to use it to kill background processes (like Skype & Whatsapp that I haven't launched) - grateful if you could advise please

coderus's picture

Add PSS value please, users of this app do not understand shared memory, and repeatedly reporting huge memory usage of some applications.

naytsyrhc's picture

Thanks for that nice app. I use it regularly to check if all apps "behave" as they should ;-)

Markkyboy's picture

A very handy app to have on your Jolla. I've found a use for this on more than one occasion!, especially as 'The Other Half' just will not install, so a reboot was the only way for me, until I tried Crest.
It's handy to see what is pulling on CPU resources and being able to turn apps listing 'on' or 'off' is very good too.
Good stuff, Miska, thank you :)

Udemzy's picture

What of a harmattan version?

miska's picture

Filtering would have to be adjusted (not sure whether harmattan has some simple rules like Jolla), UI would have to be conditioned as I'm using Sillica components and somebody would need to put together debian packages. Patches are welcome, but I'm not going to port it as I have no Hartmatan device, only Jolla. But if somebody sends patches, I promiss not to break them intentionally and I can promis I will even learn how to get it compiled and publish binaries whenever I change/fix/improve something.