Telegram desktop

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It's not my work. I'm uploader only. Very usefull. So get it. It will be new experience with SFOS for you. 

Telegram full desktop linux version.

Application versions: 
File harbour-tdesktop-1.1.23-4.armv7hl.rpm18.45 MB28/11/2017 - 19:09



murfik's picture

after upgrade sfos to tdesktop have missing depends (libicu52) and doesn't work! fix pls

murfik's picture

+1 pls update

norayr's picture

please please update it.

it's so hard without a normal telegram client on sailfish.

vdembos's picture

Unable to install on 3.0.8 sailfish x
Nothing provides qt5-qtimageformats-plugin-dds needed by hsrbour desktop...
Any ideas? Or is somewhere newer version?

melvin's picture

As stated in the error message, you obviously only have to install qt5-qtimageformats-plugin-dds which you can find here:

DameCENO's picture

Thanks for pointing oyt the obvious, you made my day.
And to us all, @DimaAsket is not the programmer of the App he just shared, so if we knew whom to ask for an update would be fantastic. Just install the plugin and use the app, works for me

pi3141etc's picture

I have installed the app on Nexus 5, SFOS

Fonts are very small, even at maximum size of 200%. Thanks developper for considering this issue.

Texting works.

I can call other contacts.

When others call me, my phone rings, but I don't see anything where to take the call.

Any hint what I am missing?


norayr's picture

It cannot be installed with an error 'Nothing provides qt5-qtimageformats-plugin-dds needed by harbour-tdesktop-1.1.23-4.armv7hl'

SKD's picture

I cant install this on Sailfish X because of missing OpenAl package. Can anybody tell me what I have to install?

geminis65's picture

I installed telegram desktop in version and I got this message: error is not found qt5-qtimageformats-plugin-dds needed to install harbuor-tdesktop-1.1.23-4.armv7hl

norayr's picture

Cannot be installed on

carmenfdezb's picture

Since I've updated SailfishOS to, the app crashs whenever I try to send a file, reply or forward a message. Does anyone have this issue?

cvp's picture

Yes, it crashs here too :(

nyr's picture

Internal server error on INOI R7

norayr's picture

this is an amazing application.

is it just a compiled version of open source telegram desktop with wayland and qt?

thank you very much!

it is amazing. the only useable native telegram application for my jolla 1, and i don't use dalvik.

sashikknox's picture

Many bugs in that build, last word of messages always dont send =)  i can make a call to contact, and it works, but cant answer to call ) its very slow work, animation in interface is not smooth, low fps... realy some body must complete SailorGramm with all features from TDesktop =)

hardy_magnus's picture

pkcon refresh did the job , no dependency problem. very good app.

sashikknox's picture

Can you give a link to adapted for Sailfish build sources of TDesktop, i try build it my self, but gyp was not work in mersdk as need. And all libs can be builtin to binary. 

girshh's picture

Jolla1 has "requires, but this requirement cannot be provided" error.


Universebenzene's picture

Try pkcon refresh/zypper ref?

Universebenzene's picture

While this build seems not good for FHD screen... Everything become really small on Sailfish X... So I have to change back to the SailorGram which seems still have some bugs.

Anyway, may be a good app for Jolla Phone, Jolla C and Jolla Tablet

smatkovi's picture

in the settings you can set the scale for up to 200%

Universebenzene's picture

But when uploading pictures the window for browsing the files doesn't scale...

hardy_magnus's picture package dependency, from where to install it?

Universebenzene's picture

This file is included in the minizip package. If you install this package by warehouse, it should be installed as dependency

carmenfdezb's picture

Could you add build for Jolla Tablet? Thanks in advance!!