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Extremely simple app, which is representing shopping cart. You can add any items you want and It will automatically display total price. This is everything it does.

I created it for myself to avoid using calculator at the grocery store. I was using it because I'm afraid to overflow my poor budget, and this app will help me to do it easier way.

Application versions: 
File shopping-counter-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm44.94 KB04/04/2018 - 18:26
File shopping-counter-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm45.52 KB10/04/2018 - 17:30

- Russian translation added
- Removed "add" button
- Adding items without a price is now possible
- Small scrolling fix
- Prices are now formatted as currency


Pohli's picture

Nice idea, but every time I go to shop I have to enter everything again!? It would be very cool if u could store items for later use / use again.

DameCENO's picture

I love the idea, thanks alot

explit's picture

It would be very cool, when it would be possible to add items without price

minitreintje's picture

Simple but powerfull! Great!