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Use your SailfishOS device to boot GNU/Linux Hybrid ISO images on your PC.

If you encounter any issues, set the USB mode to "Charging only" in the Settings app.


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Flattr: @beidl

Application versions: 
File isodrive-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm16.94 KB24/11/2014 - 01:34
File isodrive-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm17.06 KB29/11/2014 - 21:09
File isodrive-0.2-2.armv7hl.rpm18.26 KB25/10/2017 - 00:05
File isodrive-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm22.63 KB25/11/2017 - 01:52
File isodrive-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm21.46 KB28/02/2018 - 17:29
File isodrive-0.4-1.i486.rpm23.49 KB28/02/2018 - 17:29
File isodrive-0.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm21.81 KB26/03/2018 - 16:24
File isodrive-0.5.1-1.i486.rpm23.93 KB26/03/2018 - 16:24

* Allow deletion of ISO files via long press
* Fix "No ISOs found" hint
* Don't cut ISO file name off in the CoverPage

* Add Eject pulley menu
* Change placeholder hint, mentioning external storage
* Set the proper selectedItem after a refresh
* Fix ghost application cover when starting


* Search ISOs both from internal and external storage, not limited to "Downloads" directory anymore

* Fix ISO reset


citronalco's picture

Does not start on SailfishOS 4.5, unfortunately.


[W] unknown:8 - file:///usr/share/ISODrive/qml/ISODrive.qml:8:30: Type MainPage unavailable 
         initialPage: Component { MainPage { } } 
[W] unknown:3 - file:///usr/share/ISODrive/qml/pages/MainPage.qml:3:1: module "QtSparql" is not installed 
     import QtSparql 1.0 

nerd7473's picture

Need aarch64/noarch

murfik's picture

error 404 on u link

murfik's picture

doesn't work(

Marold's picture

@beidl Please could you upload arch64 version for xperia 10ii ? Thanks in advance, great app !

kvakanet's picture

I fork ISODrive and patched it.
My binary files

On my Xperia 10mark2 work

aviarus's picture

Neither for xperia 10 ii, but we can use ventoy for usb keys, that is essentially the same only for usb-keys, with an adapter one can copy the file directly from the phone

aviarus's picture

The f_mass_storage folder doesn't exist on xa2 nor xperia 10

aviarus's picture

And neither does it on the xperia 10. Unfortunately the fix of oneplus x doesn't work, because there isn't even a file or device or folder that's called different

chris_bavaria's picture

SODrive is a good tool, but this version does not work on XA2.

[W] unknown:0 - QIODevice::read (QFile, "/sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file"): device not open

Can you update the app? Or is there a solution to fix this by myself?

Kabouik's picture

It seems ISODrive does not detect .iso files that are stored in a folder outside /home/nemo or external storage, even if there a symbolic link to that folder in /home/nemo.


For instance, since I have more space available on rootfs than /home, I put my .iso files in a ISODrive folder in /. I changed permissions to 777 and ownership to nemo:nemo for this folder and its content, and then I added a symbolic link to it in /home/nemo/Downloads/ISODrivesymlink. Yet, ISODrive will not see the files, and it will if I move them directly in /home/nemo/Downloads.


Am I doing something wrong? I really do not have the required space in /home/nemo. Would moving my /ISODrive folder to /run/media work, as maybe it would be recognized as external storage?

[Edit] Yes, this seems to work.

[Edit 2] No it doesn't. Although ISODrive will list the files in /media/ISODrive, it won't mount them, while the same files in /home/nemo/Downloads can be mounted. Same permissions and ownership on both folders and their content.

jayki's picture

Does not work on XA2 :(

mase's picture

I can see the isos, that I stored on the sdcard with ext4. But nothing happens when hitting one.

beidl's picture

Which SfOS version are you using on which device?

mase's picture

I am using the latest on a Xperia X.

beidl's picture

Are you sure the selected file is a hybrid-type ISO?

mase's picture

One is the Debian Buster Netinst image, the other the Debian XFCE Live image. Both downloaded from the official Debian mirrors.

beidl's picture

Try ejecting through the pulley menu and selecting the ISO again. Additionally, make sure the phone is in charge-only mode.

You could also try the unofficial version but he/she has not released the source changes yet, effectively breaking the GPL license agreement.

mase's picture

Thx! Works now.

beidl's picture

What fixed it if I may ask?

247's picture

Does not work anymore, it does not detect any iso, while older (unofficial) version still works...

beidl's picture

Please try to reset the media database using Sailfish Utilities (available in the Jolla Store, accessible through the settings app).

smatkovi's picture

unfortunately now my laptop doesn't seem to support booting from it, even grub bootloader doesn't recognise it, because from grub i thought i could tell grub to boot from the phone... have you got any idea? in my os it shows up as a drive and i can read the content of the iso

smatkovi's picture

i decided to use the sdk now and i found out that on oneplus x the path /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file should be /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file because there is no lun folder, actually there is also a lun1 folder, but i tried with lun0 and compiled and now it works :)

useretail's picture

You are right, however there is no easy way to "hybridize" such ISOs without remastering. My idea is to replace first 512 bytes "on-the-fly" for such images. By the way, today I installed Debian 9.4.0 using ISODrive - worked like a charm

useretail's picture

Windows 10 iso support would be nice. I have to install it for a friend, however my Sailfish X is not bootable :( Looks like it's time to look for my old USB stick...

beidl's picture

The problem you're experiencing is caused by Windows 10 ISOs not being shipped as hybrid ISOs. Consult Microsoft or use Google-fu to solve your problem.

smatkovi's picture

is it possible to compile it on the device? i tried with gcc -lstdc++ -std=c++0x -I/usr/include/qt5/ -I/usr/include/qt5/QtCore/ ISODrive.cpp but that was as far as I got

beidl's picture

Theoretically possible, though not recommended. Also you were missing a lot of other include paths in that command (in addition to other qmake shenanigans).

smatkovi's picture

on a oneplus x  it isn't working.  as far as i  remember  first  mount the iso and this  part isn't working, the dot   doesn't turn white  and then plug it in
