StartAsRoot for CargoDock

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It will create icon to start CargoDock app as root. CargoDock app should be installed on your device...

- Changes in SPEC file. Obsoletes changed to Conflicts.

- Should fix problem with root access.

* Adaptation for

* fix for uninstallation

* Inserting root pass not needed anymore ! :)

Beware, use it on your own risk !!!

Donation are welcome :)

Application versions: 
File cargodockroot-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm11.58 KB05/02/2014 - 13:03
File cargodockroot-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm11.15 KB07/02/2014 - 02:56
File cargodockroot-0.2-3.armv7hl.rpm11.39 KB20/02/2014 - 03:27
File cargodockroot-0.2-4.armv7hl.rpm11.4 KB30/12/2014 - 03:27
File cargodockroot-0.2-5.armv7hl.rpm11.63 KB26/07/2017 - 03:06
File cargodockroot-0.2-6.i486.rpm16.24 KB06/02/2019 - 13:16
File cargodockroot-0.2-6.armv7hl.rpm15.96 KB06/02/2019 - 13:16

- Changes in SPEC file. Obsoletes changed to Conflicts.


eson's picture

Doesn't work with SFOS 4, no more root access.

kaari's picture

I was able to get carcodock root open, but it only shows on Places my sdcard. Would the be any way to show all contents of system?

Was playinwith sandboxing and .desktop files both in /ush/share/applications and /etc/sailsail/applications.

sdworks's picture
  • On my new Xperia xa2 with sfos 3.1, root acces on cargo dock, file browser, file case, filetug, ... don't work anymore. Neither as patch or as app. Is there a workaround?

Thx foor looking into this!

eson's picture

This don't work on SFOS No root access.

Schturman's picture

If app starts as nemo instead as root, try this workaround. For some mysterious reasons the phone sometimes remove "dconf" folder, and you need to recreate it. Do it as root = or as "su" or as "devel-su", try both variations.
mkdir -p /run/user/0/dconf
It should stay here, but sometimes when you close fingerterm, the folder deleted again, why I don't know. For me it started from sometimes...

eson's picture

Same as for file browser, workaround don't work.

silta's picture

Works fine until I updated to v0.2-4. Since then Places are showing only Developer Mode with System and Storage with SD Card and no Android Storage. Media and Cloud missing completely.

Schturman's picture

Now it work a little bit different. But like you see on your screenshot you can go to any files from system or sdcard. You also can add you clouds etc..

I changed way to start script to speed up the openning app. If you don't like it, just install previous version, but it will take more more time to open app.

silta's picture

It's right. App is starting much faster now. I've added a bookmark for home/nemo as a shortcut to this folder. Adding webdav works fine. So far as I know the only one filemanager for sailfish with cloudservice. Thanks for your hint and happy new year.

Schturman's picture

No problem, happy new year ;)

mr_browns's picture

ich sag`s mal hier auf deutsch:

der CargoDock aus dem Jolla Store (vom Handy aus) muß auch auf deinem Jolla Phone sein;dieser CargoDock bietet Root Zugriff,damit kann man Dateien löschen und verschieben,was mit dem "normalen" CargoDock nicht ging!

Schturman's picture

in English please?

mr_browns's picture

This is the German translation and explaining of the program,it is important to understand what is the program made for and how it works.

Schturman's picture

ok, thanks. And what the problem to understand my description ?

mr_browns's picture

For example: I thought I could delete the original CargoDock App,but this wasn't right.Both Apps must be installed.So it's better to read it in German explaining to get it in mind.May be with a fast reading the App's explaining,lots of people does not well understand to have both Apps installed to get the root App working.Can you follow me?

Schturman's picture

ok, but I wrote: "CargoDock app should be installed on your device" ;)

mr_browns's picture

Yes you did.Better would be:

It will create icon to start CargoDock app as root.

Note: CargoDock app must also be installed on your device...