qmlpass (QML frontend for pass, the standard unix password manager)

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QMLpass is a QML frontend for the standard unix password manager (https://www.passwordstore.org/).

This is an app build for the Sailfish operating system.

I am not aware of any other fronted for pass on SilfishOS, this is why I wrote it (because pass is great).

I am also neiter a Qt nor python dev.

The app is basically a QML frontend that calls the pass script and other hacks via python calls. Some of it is pretty hacky and can be improved. It works for me and was not tested fully on a vanilla Sailfish OS. I developed it for SailfishOS (Kymijoki).


  • search for passwords
  • create initial gpg-agent config
  • kill gpg-agent
  • cache passphrases for GPG keys
  • pull from git
  • timeout on copy to clipboard
  • gpg-agent config
    • create default config
    • reset values to default
    • edit config by hand

features that may come

  • add/delete passwords
  • sync to git push to git
  • edit gpg-agent config (e.g. adjust timeouts)
  • timeout on copy to clipboard

This shall be a simple fronted and not a swiss army knife to do all the pass/GPG stuff, so here are some...

... features that will most likelly never come:

  • initial setup of pass --> best done on the commandline
  • configure GPG keys --> best done on the commandline


You will need a recent gnupg version (tested with 2.2.1), because QMLpass makes use of the "--with-keygrip" parameters.

A recent version of gnupg and it's dependecies can be obtained here:


or here



renamed the repo

The repo and rpm was renamed (2018/09/23) to "harbour-qmlpass" to meet with jollas guidelines.

Should you experience issue from updating from 0.4 to 0.5 please remove and add the app via harbour/zypper and do a reboot.



Many thanks to zx2c4, pass is great.

Many thanks to IJHack and QtPass, I use QtPass every day on the desktop ;)

The icon is inspired by the QtPass (https://github.com/IJHack/QtPass) icon and features the official QML and python logos.


Comments and suggestions are welcome.



Application versions: 
File harbour-qmlpass-0.5-1.noarch.rpm123.29 KB23/09/2018 - 23:56

* Sun Sep 23 2018 Eike Waldt <jolla@yeoldegrove.de> 0.5-1
- removed old icons
- fixed icon sizes
- renamed to harbour-qmlpass to meet jolla guideline
- fix hardcoded home
- add "Obsoletes: qmlpass" to specfile

* Sun Sep 23 2018 Markus Törnqvist <mjt@nysv.org>
- Fix bug that certain invalid input caused a match

* Fri Sep 21 2018 Markus Törnqvist <mjt@nysv.org>
- Fix some pep complaints
- Fix comments and change to pass git pull
- Make path more generic, easier to dev on a computer
- A somewhat more versatile search algorithm

* Sun May 13 2018 Eike Waldt <jolla@yeoldegrove.de> 0.4-1
- fix bug:
 - remove newline from output

* Mon Dec 04 2017 Eike Waldt <jolla@yeoldegrove.de> 0.3-1
- add feature: gpg-agent config
 - create default config
 - reset values to default
 - edit config by hand
- some cosmetic changes for results page

* Sun Nov 12 2017 Eike Waldt <jolla@yeoldegrove.de> 0.0.2-1
- add initial git pull
- add click to copy for results
- introduced timeout after password copy to clipboard

* Sun Nov 05 2017 Eike Waldt <jolla@yeoldegrove.de> 0.0.1-1
- initial release



skanky's picture

Very interested in this. Can install your gpg pakcage, but this one fails to install with "repo not availble". 

Trying to install on a Jolla C.

yeoldegrove's picture

@skanky How to you actually try to install it?

I just retried it via the warehouse app and it works.

skanky's picture

Hi, sorry for delay. I've just updated to latest OS version, and the error refers to lack of rpm for that - might not be same as before. It was with warehouse before, but now have to use Storeman.

Here's the message:

File './oss/armv7hl/libsailfishapp-launcher-1.1.1-10.12.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm' not found on medium 'https://releases.jolla.com/releases/'

Thanks for getting back to me.