Draft map

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With the app you can patch and scale an image on the map. With an app you can add temporary, future or private maps on OpenStreet map and move on theose maps.

Source code:






Application versions: 
File harbour-kuvakartta-0.0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm173.21 KB01/05/2017 - 20:45
File harbour-kuvakartta-0.0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm173.25 KB03/05/2017 - 08:43
File harbour-kuvakartta-0.0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm176.1 KB03/05/2017 - 20:56
File harbour-kuvakartta-0.0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm186.59 KB01/06/2017 - 07:24
File harbour-kuvakartta-0.0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm187.18 KB08/07/2017 - 08:53

- Minor refinement to the note adding feature


eson's picture

I'm afraid QtLocation is eating battery like crazy. At least battery consumtion dropped noticeably when I removed it this morning. Normaly my battery will last two to three days, but the last two days it was one day tops.

Rikujolla's picture

Hi, I think it is gps. I will check gps settings in the code. If you set gps update rate to noupdate. It saves the battery.

eson's picture

Ok, will try that.

Rikujolla's picture

I'm adding adjustable limits for gps to the next version 0.0.6 to prevent battery drain.

eson's picture

Yes, I'm testing, Lets see tomorrow.

eson's picture

There must be something else wrong with my system. Can't find the battery consumtion error, so I will factory reset now. Stupid me, using my main device for playing. Think I will have to use my JP1 for testing from now on.

eson's picture

Don't know if it's even related to Draft Map, but now I know what caused the battery drain. I had this process "ps axo pid,uid,pcpu,rss,args" constantly on 10-12% load, before factory reset. Now it's 0% load. Do you know what that process is?

olf's picture

@eson, @Rikujolla, see (e.g. google for) "man ps":
It is the CLI Unix utility for listing running processes on a device. The ps command is probably started by the GUI tool @eson uses to display the processes. So you're likely "chaseing your own shadow".

Rikujolla's picture

Not knowing. I'll inform if I find something.

I tested the power consumption of my app with Lighthouse and it seemed to work quite well.