Ti85 emulator. You will need a rom file, it is not included.
After starting the application you need to switch the calculator on with the ON button. There is also a auto time off. After some time when there is no input it looks like that the calculator is stuck but it is sleeping wake it up by press the on button.
With the save/load buttons you can save the calculator status and load it. The reset button will reset the calculator and settings.
Since 0.0.9-10 the emulator has a settings file so you could have your rom file where you like, the file must have a ".rom" extension. Start ti85emu click the menu button, click on settings and then select file, select your rom file and click open. Finally you need to click on ok and close afterwards the application and restart.
Also the load function (*.sna;*.sav) and send function (*.85p) has now a file dialog.
Rom file location:
In most countries, it is illegal to share or download ROM images for devices you do not own. Dump your rom, rename and copy to (not needed anymore) you can select your rom from any location:
Load vti save file:
Rename and copy the vti save file to /home/nemo/.ti85emu/ti85emu.sna and then push the load button. You can load the file from different locations through the menu.
Sending program files to the emu:
You can send *.ti85p files to the calculator, it works only with single program file.
Error 35 will pop up but the program should be there.
If you love the app and would like to donate through paypal, you can follow the link.
Attachment | Size | Date |
ti85emu-0.0.9-3.armv7hl.rpm | 60.68 KB | 05/03/2016 - 00:27 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-4.armv7hl.rpm | 60.51 KB | 16/03/2016 - 20:06 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-5.armv7hl.rpm | 63.38 KB | 24/09/2016 - 23:02 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-6.armv7hl.rpm | 126.92 KB | 28/10/2017 - 21:46 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-7.armv7hl.rpm | 129.47 KB | 30/10/2017 - 01:08 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-8.armv7hl.rpm | 131.18 KB | 19/05/2019 - 03:57 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-9.armv7hl.rpm | 130.54 KB | 20/07/2019 - 01:26 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-9.i486.rpm | 132.93 KB | 20/07/2019 - 01:26 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-10.armv7hl.rpm | 149.79 KB | 04/01/2020 - 01:20 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-10.i486.rpm | 155.42 KB | 04/01/2020 - 01:20 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-11.armv7hl.rpm | 149.67 KB | 18/01/2020 - 04:44 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-11.i486.rpm | 155.41 KB | 18/01/2020 - 04:44 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-12.armv7hl.rpm | 148.76 KB | 19/01/2020 - 22:52 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-12.i486.rpm | 154.29 KB | 19/01/2020 - 22:52 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-13.armv7hl.rpm | 151.06 KB | 11/06/2021 - 02:39 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-13.i486.rpm | 158.59 KB | 11/06/2021 - 02:39 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-13.aarch64.rpm | 148.74 KB | 11/06/2021 - 02:39 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-15.armv7hl.rpm | 174.6 KB | 10/12/2021 - 20:54 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-15.i486.rpm | 181.9 KB | 10/12/2021 - 20:54 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-15.aarch64.rpm | 172.85 KB | 10/12/2021 - 20:54 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-16.armv7hl.rpm | 173.32 KB | 10/01/2023 - 22:53 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-16.i486.rpm | 181.02 KB | 10/01/2023 - 22:53 |
ti85emu-0.0.9-16.aarch64.rpm | 171.71 KB | 10/01/2023 - 22:53 |
* Tue Jan 10 2023 Halftux 0.0.9-16
- added sailjail permission
- removed start script
- changed config file location
- compiled with environment
* Fri Dec 10 2021 Halftux 0.0.9-15
- changed desktop file
- added icons
- compiled with environment
* Sun Oct 03 2021 Halftux 0.0.9-14
- fixed menu size
- changed config location
- compiled with environment
* Fri Jun 11 2021 Halftux 0.0.9-13
- fixed user nemo problem
- compiled with environment
* Sun Jan 19 2020 Halftux 0.0.9-12
- fixed error msg placement
* Fri Jan 17 2020 Halftux 0.0.9-11
- fixed rom file dialog parent
- fixed start script for XA2 plus
* Fri Jan 03 2020 Halftux 0.0.9-10
- fixed desktop file
- fixed start script
- added file dialog for load/send and for rom selection
- added settings and ini file
- added auto load save function
- compiled with environment
* Fri Jul 19 2019 Halftux 0.0.9-9
- fixed center support with or without scaling
- fixed startscript for high resolution support
* Sun May 19 2019 Halftux 0.0.9-8
- start script for 1920x1080 resolution
- added screensize detection
* Sun Oct 29 2017 Halftux 0.0.9-7
- removed button scaling for 1920x1080 resolution
- added save/load message
- added high DPI hint
* Sat Oct 28 2017 Halftux 0.0.9-6
- no icons workaround and quality upgrade
* Sat Sep 24 2016 Halftux 0.0.9-5
- save bug removed
- center support
- Jolla C support
* Tue Mar 8 2016 Halftux 0.0.9-4
- load vti save file support
- fixed signal double connections
* Fri Mar 4 2016 Halftux 0.0.9-3
- Set no interactions err textedit
* Sun Jan 31 2016 Halftux 0.0.9-2
- Initial release optimized for SF
* Sun Jan 31 2016 Halftux 0.0.9-1
- Initial release
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 01:33
Thanks, work like a charm on Jolla 1!
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 15:08
Thanks good to know.
Sat, 2017/10/28 - 22:30
Not really comfortable with the XperiaX and its 1920x1080 display. Any hint to enlarge ti85emu to full screen?
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 00:43
Same on Oneplus X
Mon, 2017/10/30 - 02:01
At the moment there is no way to make it bigger.EDIT: you can scale it with qt5.6 environment variable QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 and it should look ok with latest version 0.0.9-7
Mon, 2017/10/30 - 10:49
Understood. To make it clear, enter
in terminal.
Sat, 2017/10/28 - 21:52
Is it possible that you will release a TI84+ emulator in the future? This version is used in almost every Belgium school and university and in other countries as well.
Wed, 2019/06/12 - 15:35
I found some time to compile CEmu an emulator for the Ti84 Plus CE calculator for Sailfish.
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 15:04
I guess you want to have the ti84 plus ce version with the eZ80 processor? However for make such emulator I need to have the calculator or at least a dumped rom file. Until now I couldn't find one. Atm there is only one project going on, the CEmu, however there is no stable release, but could be doable with lot of work to porting to sailfish.
Mon, 2017/10/30 - 10:26
I have such a calculator, can I help you with it? image ti-84+
Fri, 2017/11/03 - 13:12
Ah I see this is the old ti-84+ a rom file can be found in the www. When I have some time I try to start with CE version first.
Tue, 2017/10/10 - 20:34
There's something wrong with the layout on Aqua Fish with SFOS The button labels aren't showing and it makes the calculator very hard to use. They do work and response to pressing. Here's how it looks like.
Fri, 2017/10/13 - 15:50
Thanks for reporting. I will have a look into it. But I guess I need to wait for a new sdk.
Latest SDK Release version 1701-1 ( (Iijoki) )
Latest early access SDK version 1707 ( (Jämsänjoki) )
Wed, 2017/10/25 - 10:37
I believe it's out now. Also a scaling for Xperia's 1080p screen would be appreciated.
Sat, 2017/10/28 - 14:48
On Sailfish since QT5.6 the icons are missing. I build the emu on qt desktop with 5.4.2 5.6.1 and 5.8.0 and the icons are showing. So I guess it is a bug in Sailfish. I read some where that there is a problem with scaling and overlay, maybe it is also related to my problem.
Will see if I find a workaround. On Xperia is it only to small is it centered or something different happening there?
Sat, 2017/10/28 - 21:50
Please test new version. I hope my workaround is also working for you.
Sat, 2017/10/28 - 23:02
Buttons are working now but the UI is still too small for Xperia. It is as you said, centered but small.
EDIT: Looks like this. I guess the calculator screen position is a bit broken too.
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 14:32
Thank you for the screenshot. Scaling needs more work, atm it is not designed for free scaling. Will see if I can implement my approach for free scaling. Do you know if there is a possibility to set the resolution of the emulator from the sdk.
Sun, 2017/10/29 - 19:18
Yes, you can set the resolution from Tools > Sailfish OS > Emulator mode. There you can select Turing phone mode which has the same resolution.
Mon, 2017/10/30 - 01:48
Thank you for the hint. I uploaded a new version. For scaling you could run from the console "QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 ti85emu". I guess with a script and modified desktop file you could start it from the app manager with better scaling too.
Sun, 2016/09/25 - 09:20
Have you thought about creating a layout with silica components and maybe also create support for landscape mode? Especially the second one would be wanted.
Sun, 2016/09/25 - 20:31
I am sorry to say but sailfish doesn't offer silica components for qt widgets. Same is with landscape orientation it is not included. There is a trick to rotate the app but would be really much work and don't know how the elements should be placed that you have a nice landscape version.
One thing I could do is to load a custom style sheet file. So for the moment I planned some settings windows and maybe a file browser for loading save files or rom files. We will see what the future brings.
Wed, 2016/03/09 - 03:57
Sorry my bad... Downloaded the Ti rom v10 just renamed it to ti85.rom and placed it under /home/nemo/.ti85emu and without the dummy.send renaming part works great. Thanks for providing this awesome app on Sailfish. I down on my former N9, some more to go
Wed, 2016/03/09 - 16:09
No problem. The dummy.send is only for basic programs that you could write on your own and send to ti85. However this is a experimental feature. The next release will have support for loading vti save files. So you can save your status and all programs with vti and then load it with ti85emu. This is a more promising way to transfer basic programs to the emulator.
Have a look at ticalc.org many programs already there.
Sat, 2016/03/12 - 19:06
sound interesting enough and my anticipation levels are high. Keep up the good work man
Mon, 2016/03/07 - 23:42
At first sight, I also believed it was not working, until I pressed the «ON» button...
Mon, 2016/03/07 - 23:52
Ah thanks I forgot to mention, first you need to switch it on yes. There is also an auto power off. When there is no input after some time, the calculator switches off and you need to press on for wake him up again.
I will work on the description a little bit more.
Mon, 2016/03/07 - 19:46
Been waiting a long time for this, but sad to report, have gotten some roms, renamed as you instructed, renamed as the app advised, nothing seems to get it working
Mon, 2016/03/07 - 20:53
So does the app hang too? I tried the rom from ati85 the application hangs running in emulator.
Then I used TI-85 v10.0 from nitroroms and it is running fine. Do you have a Jolla or another SF device? Which firmware does the phone run?
Wed, 2016/03/09 - 14:40
As I already pointed out above, I was the one doing some renaming errors, working great.