NFC keyring now renamed to NFC Wallet is ported to sailfish.
Store your passwords safe on your jolla.
ATM there is no API avaible to access NFC (e.g. use a tag as login). At current you can only login using your own specified "pincode". However if you do know your serial number of your tag it is recomended use that as login (hex format).
Now lets hope jolla release some kind of api later...
The password are stored encrypted in /home/nemo/.config/nfcwallet/nfcwallet.json.crypt
Notice that NFCKeyring for harmattan is not compatible with NFCWallet because different cryptov algoritm (Bluefish vs AES256). I am to lazy write converter. Feel free todo it it can be easy done in python sourcecode is available on github.
NFCWallet using AES256 when cryptate your data and the key is your phones IMEI plus your pincode merged and hashed using SHA256(imei.as_string()+pincode.as_string()).
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 64.67 KB | 22/02/2014 - 22:18 |
Use correct storage path
Tue, 2019/07/02 - 17:32
nice app, please updated!!!
Wed, 2019/05/08 - 15:58
I'm curious too. I would donate to support NFC app project. Do you have time to developing this further?
Wed, 2019/04/03 - 02:09
Jolla added NFC to 3.0.3.x Do you think it can be used with your wallet?
Wed, 2017/04/26 - 19:31
i can not access how can i do it?