[NOT_READY] MeeTeleGram

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NOTICE: Not usable currently, don't install. (Unless you'd like to test and report bugs!)

MeeTeleGram is going to be an  unofficial Telegram client for MeeGo Harmattan (N9).

Currently, it is NOT USABLE and is UGLY! It is posted solely for testing purposes, and doesn't offer enough functionality.

However, I'll try to update it as features are added. When it provides minimum required functionality, the title will be changed.

What works:

  • Registration with Code
  • List of Contacts
  • List of recent chats
  • Viewing 50 last chats (only text chats!)
  • Sending simple text messages

What doesnt:

  • Anything Else!

TMO Thread: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=98813

If tried, please report any issues you found at: https://gitlab.com/hedayat/MeeTeleGram/issues

Also, please include ~/MyDocs/meetelegram.log & ~/MyDocs/meetelegram.log.stderr in your bug reports (But it might include personal messages/contacts. sending a few lines of the end of these files might also be enough. I'll try to reduce the amount of personal info in the logs soon). 

Application versions: 
File meetelegram_0.1_armel.deb747.21 KB27/01/2017 - 13:50
File meetelegram_0.2_armel.deb749.56 KB01/02/2017 - 01:24
File meetelegram_0.2.1_armel.deb750.24 KB03/02/2017 - 01:53
File meetelegram_0.2.2_armel.deb750.26 KB04/02/2017 - 00:53
File meetelegram_0.2.3_armel.deb750.28 KB05/02/2017 - 03:01

meetelegram (0.2.3) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix creating a new telegram account


LisaFass's picture

Hedayat, your app is superb.

I can barely code but i tried to fix the issue of " aumatically starting chats with oldest instead of newest chat messages". basically this is upside down.

I think to fix it you need to edit this file:


and change in line 19:


should be:



i am not sure, as i said i cant code and dont even really know how to use gitlab, but this could be the fix.


LisaFass's picture

Another problem that could be quickly fixed is the inability to copy&paste texts from the chats.

I think the problem lies here: 


In line 79 or 80 

it looks like nothing is supposed to happen when a message is clicked.

but we want it to open the menu "copy, paste , .. " when a message is ppressed and held.

thus. does it need to be changed to the following?

onPressAndHold: optionsRequested()



hedayat's picture

Thank you! And thank you for your interest.

I'd be happy to accept Merge Requests for this project: You can fork the project on gitlab, commit & push your changes to your fork and then create a Merge Request for this project. That'd be great.


About the changes, I should review the code again but the second one only works if the menu is implemented, which is not IIRC. Anyway, receiving merge requests would be great. Unfortunately, My N9's screen went black and  I can't test the project on a device by myself, so I need someone to sent code changes who can also test them on device (although I might be able to test on the simulator too, but testing on device is necessary anyway).


Mavlep's picture

Hi Hedayat,

Great work! Limited functionality but what's there works. I'm actually using it.

If you do find time I have two priority requests:

- notifications for incoming messages

- get the app to jump to the most recent messages when you tap on any particular chat (as the chat grows lengthier, it takes a while scrolling to the most recent messages...)

Thanks and keep at it, it's very promising!

hedayat's picture

Thanks! I hope I can continue using a more active telegram library.


campeon's picture


How is this going...

Is it usable??

Please, don´t forget it !!!

hedayat's picture


Well, I don't have much free time for it unfortunately. :( But, it is still on my sight...

alif5's picture

صفحه میاد ولی اسم شمارهتلفن میزنم هیچ اتفاقی نمی افته


لطفا راهنمایم کنید دقیقا چیکار کنم

hedayat's picture

جوابتون رو بار پیش دادم. به همون مراجعه کنید.

HAMED1992's picture


اقا این مشکل first name,last name,phone number مشکل همه هست

وقتی همه رو میزینیم دوباره همون صفحه میاد

لطفا مفصل توضیح بدین

نا گفته نماند که شماره رو با اعداد فارسی وارد میکنیم


hedayat's picture


لطفا شماره رو به انگلیسی وارد کنید.

اگه بازم نشد و تایید هویت دو عامل هم غیر فعال کردید لاگ‌هایی که توی توضیحات برنامه گفتم برام ارسال کنید.

در مورد نحوه‌ی دقیق غیرفعال کردن تایید هویت دو عاملی توی گوشی‌های دیگه هم من اطلاع دقیقی ندارم.



alif5's picture

دوهویتی رو نمیشه غیر فعال کرد؟؟؟؟؟

hedayat's picture

توی این برنامه نه فعلا. می‌تونید توی یه کلاینت دیگه (همون‌جایی که فعالش کردید) اون رو غیرفعال کنید.

البته اگه خدا بخواد به زودی نسخه‌ی جدید میدم و سعی میکنم این رو هم پشتیبانی کنم.

Breeze5's picture

<p>Any news?

alif5's picture



خیلی ممنون بابت تلاشتو


من نصب کردم برنامه رو ولی وقتی که نام نام خانوادگی و شماره تلفن رو پس از نصب وارد می کنم اتفاقی نمی افته

hedayat's picture


یعنی صفحه‌ای که میخواد کد رو بگیره هم نمیاد؟! اگه این صفحه میاد ولی کد رو می‌زنید و هیچ اتفاقی نمیفته احتمالا احراز هویت دومرحله‌ای رو فعال کردید که فعلا پشتیبانی نمیشه.

اما اگه اصلا صفحه‌ی گرفتن کد نمیاد شاید اتصال اینترنتتون مشکل داره؟

در ضمن قبل از اجرای برنامه اینترنت رو وصل کنید. فعلا برنامه خودش صفحه‌ی اتصال به اینترنت رو نمیاره.

rezamoon's picture

سلام و درود خدمت شما دوست عزیز 

و با آرزوی موفقیتهای بیشتر برای شما 

در کل دم شما گرم 

hedayat's picture


خیلی ممنون لطف دارین :)


hamed_republic's picture

.سلام خسته نباشید تبریک میگم بابت موفقیت این پروژه این اپلیکشن دل خیلی از دوستداران و کاربران میگو رو شاد کرده.موفق باشید به امید نسخه پایدار این اپلیکیشن

hedayat's picture

سلامت باشید. خیلی ممنون. :)

امیدوارم زودتر به اون نقطه برسه...

بازم ممنون

cabiludo's picture

Just open the application. My contacts do not appear

hedayat's picture

First, make sure that your internet connection is active (currently, the app doesn't cause the phone to prompt for connecting to the internet).

Then, if possible, please send me your meetelegram logs in your MyDocs/ directory. You can send it to my email address or fill an issue in the given page.



williams_arias's picture

Funciona para mi.. es un gran aporte, despues de haber quedado a la deriva sin el whatsapp.. Faltan detalles por pulir y otras caracteristicas por agregar, pero muy agradecido por la aplicacion..

iocaa77's picture

Saludos Williams Arias, agradecería me indicaras el procedimiento despues de la descarga ¿Que hay que hacer? De antemano te agrdezco tus comentarios.

williams_arias's picture

Saludos.. Si es la 1era vez que instalas app fuera de la tienda nokia (ya no funciona), debes autorizar en ajustes, aplicaciones, instalaciones, permitir de fuentes que no sean de la tienda, descarga primero la app de warehouse https://openrepos.net/content/basil/warehouse, y ubicas la MeeTelegram, eso te permite instalar la app, y registrar el repositorio, para que cuando salgan nuevas actualizaciones, el cel te notificará.. Yo tengo el telegram en la pc, version PC, asi que el codigo de registro te llega a la pc y lo puedes usar en el registro del cel.. Espero te sirva la guia..

iocaa77's picture

Muchas gracias Williams, funciono correctamente. Saludos.


hedayat's picture

:) Thanks!

RICOufa's picture

<p>wow. good))) Приятно что есть еще люди которые делают приложения для MeeGo))

hedayat's picture


smatkovi's picture

hey, in case you want us to test, what do you want us to test?:)
