OSM Scout

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OSM Scout for Sailfish is map viewer with search and navigation, fully functional without internet connection.

You can choose one from multiple map styles: standard, outdoor, public transport or winter sports. All with the same database that can be downloaded (per state) directly from the application for offline usage. Data on the server covers whole planet and are updated monthly from OpenStreetMap data. You can generate your own extract eventually, all tools are open-source and OpenStreetMap data are free!

For better outdoor experience, databases (almost all) contains elevation contours and hillshade overlay (online) can be displayed. For areas not covered by offline data are used online maps provided by OpenStreetMap or Stamen Design. But search and navigation works only with offline data.

Your favourite places (waypoints) can be stored to collections and exported to GPX files later. It is even possible to import tracks and waypoints from GPX files, display it on map or show simple statistics.

OSM Scout for Sailfish OS is developed as open-source (GitHub) by volunteers in their free time. You can help to improve this application by reporting bugs, creating translations or developing new features. Any help is welcome.

Application versions: 
File harbour-osmscout-2.34-1.i486.rpm2.48 MB17/04/2024 - 23:49
File harbour-osmscout-2.34-1.armv7hl.rpm2.21 MB17/04/2024 - 23:49
File harbour-osmscout-2.34-1.aarch64.rpm2.3 MB17/04/2024 - 23:49
File harbour-osmscout-2.35-1.i486.rpm2.47 MB19/09/2024 - 01:54
File harbour-osmscout-2.35-1.armv7hl.rpm2.25 MB19/09/2024 - 01:54
File harbour-osmscout-2.35-1.aarch64.rpm2.31 MB19/09/2024 - 01:54
* 2024-09-19 Lukáš Karas  2.35
- take initial vehicle bearing into account during (re)routing
- fix (workaround) crash when some page is shown during navigation (itinerary is for example)
- fix parsing of geo: urls from Calendar application
- build using C++20 standard
- increase database format: added car charging station features like brand, max. stay and fee
- rewrite highway lane suggestions in routing
- update translations (Estonian, Swedish)

Full changelog on Github


atlochowski's picture

Thanks, it's working.

I tried to search like this but I forgot about capital letters at the begining of words. Without capital letters you can find nothig.

Karry's picture

Yes, case sensitivity is another search related thing in search that we should solve...

atlochowski's picture

How to activate Polish language?
After update to 0.13-1 nothing change, still english interface.

Karry's picture

Ups. I realized that I don't put Your translations to the build. See this commit https://github.com/Karry/osmscout-sailfish/commit/e7fd11be0f2b3598d2cb11...

Sorry for that, I will release 0.14 soon. Here is snapshot with fixed Polish : https://osmscout.karry.cz/harbour-osmscout-0.14-1.armv7hl.rpm

Btw, can you update Polish translation for map downloader page please?

atlochowski's picture


rinigus's picture

Hi @Karry,

great work with the downloader! Very slick and works as expected!


Karry's picture

Thanks :-) There will be always something that is missing to me (updating of existing map, restore interrupted download...), but It does its job. Btw, do you want to integrate it to the server?

rinigus's picture

Maybe I should, but after some time. I am working on search results right now and don't have time for adding download manager yet.

hoodlum's picture


Karry's picture

You can find source code on github, of course: http://github.com/Karry/osmscout-sailfish . I forgot to add link to description.

Karry's picture

Hi Miklos. The reason why here is available newer version is that every submit to Jolla Harbour have to be verified by Jolla QA team. And this process tooks one (working) day usual... I started to use OpenRepos too because I got message that Jolla Harbour is not available on devices that are not supported by Jolla officially.

I can't say that one channel is primary. I want to use Jolla Harbour for officially supported devices, OpenRepos for other Jolla devices and GitHub for everyone who want to contribute...

martonmiklos's picture

I see, thanks Karry!

martonmiklos's picture

Hi Karry,

I have just seen that the OSM Scout is available here too, an I have seen that a newer version is available here than the Habour one. Which distribution channel will be the primary one?

Also I would recommend you to upload the icon to here too.
