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This app lets you edit MIME file associations.
Internally it uses xdg-open, and only configures user-defined mime handlers (system defined ones are read-only).

* Select the mime type from the list
* Select the user mime handler (or add one with the button)
* Choose the app to associate from the list
* to remove, edit /home/nemo/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

Known issues :
- crash when exiting (not critical for setting the handler)
- missing proper icon

Code is here

Screen shots will come!

Application versions: 
File harbour-sailmimer-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm63.84 KB26/11/2016 - 23:07



PawelSpoon's picture

Hi, can you add a delete / undo function please ? It seem once a have user specific handler i can only modify it, not remove it

GiuliettaSW's picture

Done. I was not aware of this other app. Apologies for the inconvenience!

GiuliettaSW's picture

ouch! was noy ware of this! will fix asap

objectifnul's picture

Please consider renaming this app.

"harbour-mimer" is the name of an existing app by llelectronics. 

Warehouse update and pkcon are unable to make a difference between two packages with the same name.