2.2.4-1 Changed some icons that where removed in SFOS 4.5
2.2.3-1 Do not overlap song info and duration on Current Playlist for longer texts
Opt out of sailjail
Small mpris2 fix by Accumulator
2.2.1-1 Fixed missing movie art posters for Kodi 19 (Matrix)/API v12
2.2.0-1 Refactor keypad/gesturepad (thanks accumulator): all 4 full corner areas outside the diamond shaped center are now triggering button events.
This should fix the annoyance of accidentally sending enter/select when you actually want to press the icon. Drag & hold now also works even when starting on an icon, unless the icon is held long enough to trigger a longpress.
Updated Chinese (by dashinfantry)
Open keyboard by default on YouTube URL page
2.1.8-1 Fixed sorting of artist list
2.1.7-2 Replaced colored title text by folder icon if relevant
Changed all bold fonts to regular fonts
More hi-res stop button for bigger screens (thanks dikonov)
A bit smaller mediabuttonbar for larger devices
Change that should fix not skipping to next item in playlist occasionally
Slightly highlight playing item in current playlist
Workaround for issue that progres info was not always refreshed at end of item play
2.1.5-1 Full Chinese translation
2.1.4-2 Small hotfix for description layout
Improved image quality of some play buttons
Small space added between image and text in landscape mode
Fix passing of scraped data like genre, mood etc.
Discrete background bar below main menu items
Corrected small artifact when showing detail on Now Playing page
2.1.3-28 Rewrite of slider and repositioning in landscape
2.1.3-27 Fixed play/pause issue for Kodi v18 (Leia)
2.1.3-26 Small change for tablet version, updated Russian language
2.1.3-25 Some optimisations for nowplaying page in landscape
Use translated text in remorse timer
Updated French translation
First changes for landscape support (can be enabled in settingspage)
2.1.3-23 Added remorse timer for mainpage actions (reboot etc.)
Small resize correction custom buttons in player panel
Better scaling slider hint text
Ugly workaround to get progressbar positioning acceptable in light ambiences
2.1.3-21 Fixed switching of audiostreams
Switched to default icons where possible for light ambiences
Made non default images support light ambience
Progress bar position on light ambiences still needs work
2.1.3-19 Progress bar layout fixes for SFOS 3
2.1.3-18 Fix some text markup in plot description
2.1.3-17 Made keypad more sensitive for select press
Rework on about page
Added slideshow play/pause button on Keypad in pictures mode
Better scaling thumbnails in music/video library details for non-J1 devices
Switched to detailItem view for media details
Unplayer like progressline above mediabuttons (on certain screens)
Blanking of keypad screen made configurable
Greater height on color buttons in keypad screen on non-J1 devices
Better alignment of arrows in keypad screen on non-J1 devices
Moved volume slider to pushUpMenu to make more space available on default screen
2.1.3-13 typo prevented search from working :-(
Cover actions browse music/browse video/connect/add connection should be working
Small translation updates
2.1.3-11 Yet more small changes in the coverpage
Added end playtime to Now Playing page
Larger font below progress bar on non J1 res. devices
2.1.3-9 Small changes on cover and nowplaying page because of SailfishOS
2.1.3-8 Restore control dock in case the vkb on YouTube page made it hidden
2.1.3-7 Cover: larger min. fontsize when no second line is displayed
2.1.3-6 Long press info on keypad will show/hide video process & codec info
2.1.3-5 Cover: independent text sizing of description and subdescription
I assume you see your connect credentials on the header of the file browser. You can change line 141 of /usr/share/harbour-kodimote/qml/pages/BrowserPage.qml to title: "" to have no header.
I don't know if it is of much use, as you are probably the only one seeing the credentials using kodimote anyhow.
Mon, 2018/04/30 - 13:13
OK. Updated the fork's ru.ts.
Sun, 2018/01/07 - 14:25
Strange, I did not touch any language related parts.
I'll look into that later.
Thu, 2017/12/28 - 14:54
Hi there,
I have opened a bug report on Kodi:
but in the meanwhile, if you could hide the name of the remote sftp sources showing passwd in clear, that would be nice !
Fri, 2017/12/29 - 19:08
I assume you see your connect credentials on the header of the file browser. You can change line 141 of /usr/share/harbour-kodimote/qml/pages/BrowserPage.qml to title: "" to have no header.
I don't know if it is of much use, as you are probably the only one seeing the credentials using kodimote anyhow.
Fri, 2016/10/07 - 21:00
Finally! Big thanks.
Goodby android version ;)
Fri, 2016/10/07 - 07:48
Thank you very much for this.