Patch: Homescreen rotate and eventsview sidebar

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SailfishOS patch allowing homescreen rotation and enabling native eventsview sidebar in landscape orientations.


Donations are welcome =)

Application versions: 
File sailfishos-homescreen-rotate-0.1.0-1.noarch.rpm3.74 KB18/09/2015 - 17:35

First release


Universebenzene's picture

Seems can't be activated on Sailfish X :(  Might need upgrade?

monkeyisland's picture

hi coderus can you make the patch working on Sfos 2.0 and over?


coderus's picture

This patch works on 2.0.x without any problems.

alina's picture

What do you think about this?:

The clock in landscape lock screen is vertically centered, so while playing music it overlaps with media info; see the screenshot.

I've found a workaround for this which makes the clock shown on top even in landscape view: remove lockScreenPage.isPortrait from /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/lockscreen/LockItem.qml lines 133; see the screenshot. I think this will make the patch more great.

gedeon's picture

Well done! (We are looking forward to the sequel... :) )

one small thing: (for example for me enough the left sided rotation... if possible to selectable in settings - it would not be bad) 

A question: If you could make a such patch which rotate only one stock app, the clock!... (only left side ot selectable) :) I don't like when I would like to write a longest alarm name and I need use only this app to portrait mode... I hope this is not difficult. Thx.

Rikudou_Sennin's picture

Hello, I made the patch you requested :)