World Of Rabbit - The Dig!

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Awesome Game must try

Developer No more Developing

also available on windowsphone and Symbian

Editor Available At Nokia Store

With the surface world overrun by robots, the rabbits remain far below, their underground world a safe haven from the rule of the robots up above. You have the task of building a new home for the rabbits, keeping them entertained and rested as they work, and digging ever downward to build a new rabbit empire and rediscover ancient rabbit secrets.

Another epic game in the World Of Rabbit (WOR) universe brought to you with love from Breakdesign.



Application versions: 
File worthedig_1.5.0.deb8.6 MB15/12/2013 - 13:50

worthedig (1.5.0) unstable; urgency=low
* <Add change description here>


lisatolbert's picture

This game indeed has wonderful graphics and I think to make such a creative game is not an easy task. I tend to create a similar animated game with motion graphics and visual effects for all age groups.

nelak's picture

Nice graphics, nice sounds but nothing more. Stupid game.

cnlpete's picture

awesome game :) awesome ui

idtch's picture

updating the original archive still there?

idtch's picture


as21ro's picture

Nice Game!