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OKBoard (a.k.a. Magic Keyboard) is a gesture based keyboard that allow single stroke typing. Usage is explained in this video. English, French and Dutch are supported without the need for additional packages, other language resources are available in separate packages, e.g. for Swedish (okb-lang-sv). It currently works on Jolla phone, Xperia X / XA2 / 10 / 10 plus. Larger phones (such as XA2 plus/ultra & Fxtec Pro1) may be supported in a later release.

Do not use other third party keyboards at the same time (unless they are just simple layouts for new languages).

Source code: http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-engine.git/ and http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-keyboard.git/. Instructions for adding new languages are included in README.md files (latin alphabet only at the moment).

If you get an error message about missing dependencies (dbus-python, patch ...) when installing, just run "pkcon refresh" as root and try again. Also some issues may be solved by uninstalling and reinstalling.

OKBoard tends to break for each new Sailfish release, so if possible, wait for other users reports before upgrading to a new OS version.



Application versions: 
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36
File okboard-full-0.6.38-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB02/02/2025 - 19:16
File okboard-full-0.6.38-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB02/02/2025 - 19:16

0.6.38 : Support for SFOS 5 + minor bugfix

0.6.37 : Support for SFOS 4.5

0.6.35 : Disable Sailjail to allow admin app to start on SFOS 4.4

0.6.34: Fix for "Installation not complete" error


mlwn's picture

Auto spacing works great with native apps now.... But not with alien dalvic....

I appreciate all the efforts...
keep up the good work...

247's picture

unfortunately is not working for me...tryied with 1.7 and 2 with okboard 5.8 and 5.10 with no luck at all...

naytsyrhc's picture

Well done. Works really great. Unfortunately not for German layout yet. Is anybody already working on it?

jonquark's picture

Awesome. Works well on my phone. Has anyone tried it on the tablet?

rob_k's picture

In addition to my TMO comment: I feel so fortunate Dutch is supported! Thanks eber42, I am waiting too for you to publish your PayPal donation link.

Ingvix's picture

Doesn't work for me, it seems. Conflict with TOHKBD maybe?

Manankanchu's picture

Long awaited - works like a charm - congrats !!!

Jordi's picture

BRILLIANT! This fills a big gap in Sailfish.

And I can keep the Dolphin keyboard for emojis.

Very small remark: in French, there is a space before "?" Could this be done?

Are donations possible?

Feathers_McGraw's picture

This is AMAZING!

Please add a paypal donation link or something so I can buy you a few beers!

mgrover's picture

for some reason im browser the keyboard is very transparant

matimilko's picture
mlwn's picture


is there a way to add auto space after each word??
and auto caps??
really brilliant

Mariusmssj's picture

That's odd that work fine for me. After every word it adds a space and letters get upper cased after using .(dot) maybe try disbling the keyboard and re-enabling it.

mlwn's picture



how can i diagnose my issue?? please?

matimilko's picture


Mariusmssj's picture

the keyboard is working now and its amazing :D thank you so much for this brilliant swipe keyboard

cvp's picture

wow... works nice. now only need Smileys and courser :) how it works with the lang? i mean the en.tre in /share/okboard/! How we can translate it to our lang? Thanks a lot, you give us one of the most feature .. for some one like me :)

smatkovi's picture

thiskeyboardisreallyawesome,I'musingitrightnow, thanksforthisChristmasgift :)

Rikudou_Sennin's picture

Hello, what format should be the language dictionaries, if I want to include my own?

itdoesntmatt's picture

GREAT!! guys remember to uninstall other 3rd party keyboard..

ps: where i can find instruction to add other languages support?

where i can donate to you just to support this project?

ferlanero's picture

It will be possible to add spanish support to OKBoard? If it would be necessary I can help with this task. Just ask me.

Thank again for your hard work!

ferlanero's picture

Just testing and given feedback. Thank you very much for this long time awaiting feature in Sailfish OS. How can we support your work?

sfbsfb's picture

right, got it working **but only in english** what would i do to get a german keyboard?

DameCENO's picture

Finally released, nice man keep it up, am downloading asap, will give you feedback

sfbsfb's picture

Hi there Eber42 and thank you for your work. But i how would i choose this input method? Uninstalled all thrid party keyboards. Using sfos

Ingvix's picture

You could add a description of what does this actually do for the ones not familiar with the concept. I really have no idea how does this work and I even tried it on my phone my didn't notice any difference.

eber42's picture

Thanks for the feedback. I've just uploaded a new version that solves this issue.

Mariusmssj's picture

First of all big thanks for releasing this, this was my long time waited :D

I seem to have issues enbaling it as every time I close the application it gets disabled but even when it's enabled i can't seem to get it to work.


What are the steps to get it working?
