Browsing the Internet using your SailfishOS device? Tired of intrusive avertisments? Thinking about AdBlock Plus? Forget about it. I have something better for you.
Try an old but good working method of changing your /etc/hosts to the right one from with this package.
If you don't know what host file is just read Wikipedia.
I will update it sometimes when new versions of hosts.txt will be available.
I have changed this file specially for Jolla (added " Jolla" entry) for Openrepos builders. If you are using other device change this entry to your actual hostname or rpmbuild won't build.
Well, if you delete this package you will loose your /etc/hosts. Some hostnames like localhost won't resolve.
Solution is very easy so I haven't supplied even a bash script. Open terminal and type this text:
devel-su #enter your root password set in Developer Mode settings. #make a backup with original hosts cat /etc/hosts | head -n 3 > /etc/hosts.bak #remove package with /etc/hosts pkcon remove noadshosts -y #move your /etc/hosts back mv /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 109.45 KB | 08/05/2015 - 02:04 |
- Initial build. File updated May-05-2015
Sun, 2019/01/06 - 18:05
by how is this affected of hardware? why not compiled open? Want to habe a tablet version...
Tue, 2015/11/10 - 21:35
Must have!!
No update planned soon?
Fri, 2015/05/08 - 10:36
Not a bad idea...
For more information about host files see:
Fri, 2015/05/08 - 08:58
could you explain more on how this works?