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A Twitter client for big screens

Support thread


Application versions: 
File harbour-twablet-0.5.1-10.28.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm192.7 KB02/10/2015 - 03:10
File harbour-twablet-0.6.1-10.56.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm263.8 KB26/10/2015 - 11:51
File harbour-twablet-0.6.1-10.56.1.jolla_.i486.rpm291.78 KB26/10/2015 - 11:51



Fidoraptor's picture

Latest release has the following issues on the Jolla Phone:

Won't load saved search tabs, giving a network error (creating a new search works though).

Tapping on a tweet opens a blank screen

Tapping on a user name opens a broken screen, place holder for profile image is shown and text "Subscribed lists", that's all

Sfiet_Konstantin's picture
  • Please recreate your saved search tabs.
  • 0.6.1 Fixes the issue about blank screen
  • 0.6.1 Fixes the issue about blank user screen
mugshot's picture

Cleared all searches and still getting a network error on 0.6.1. see attached screenshot:

Fidoraptor's picture

Thanks works perfect now !

casanunda's picture

Nice app!

One problem I see:

Pictures in tweets are cut off on the sides.

That's no problem in the timeline, but even when you click on the tweet / picture, you still only see the cropped version of that picture. Often people tweet pictures with text in them, and they are cropped to unreadability like this...

Also a nice addition would be simple search option without the need to save that search as a new "tab".

Other than that, great!

Sfiet_Konstantin's picture

Update to 0.6.1

Add search without a new tab is a feature request logged

lainwir3d's picture


can you please build it for x86 ? I want to try it on the tablet :-)


Mariusmssj's picture

Would you be able to attach some screenshots?