GCIDE Dictionary

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Offline dictionary application for viewing of The GNU version of The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

The dictionary contains 130,633 headwords.

This application is free software and sources can be obtained here: https://github.com/radekp/gcide-sailfish


Application versions: 
File gcide-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm9.75 MB14/02/2014 - 00:53


szopin's picture

Thanks for the app! Ideally it would probably store the 65mb file in home partition and only have a symlink to it in the root partition (works fine when done manually) as root space is a scarce resource

badpixel's picture

Harmattan version please

Sabbatismos's picture

Hi, thanks for the MeeGo repo.
But, is there a way to get Dictionary Star (or any other offline)app?

radekp's picture

Right now the app uses just one dictionary. This could be changed, but i wonder if there exist any other dictionary in same format as is GCIDE xml.

spacenewt's picture

OK. Thx again for great effort :)

spacenewt's picture

A question: is it possible to add dictionaries in other languages?

spacenewt's picture

perfect :)