by Enigma
Heads or tails? Coin toss is like flipping a real coin in the air! Use the same gesture when tossing a real coin!
by mp107
Wersja mobilna -
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some...
by mp107
Anghami app
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some time before closure...
by mp107
Bensinjakt helps you find gas stations around you when you'r
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this...
by mp107
Unofficial YLE-X app
An un-official client app for YLE-X radio channel in Finland.
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup...
by mp107
Loancalc is a simple to use loan repayment calculator
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this...
by mp107
It is a Polish newspaper's newsreader,
Wersja mobilna Gazety Wyborczej
I am not an author of the application. This is an emergency backup....
by mp107
It is tvn24 newsreader. Texts and photos still work but videos don't. I am not an author of the application. This is an emergency backup. I...
by mp107
Allegro is a Polish online auction website.
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I found it on the Internet after Ovi...
by NielDK
NFC interactor is a powerful Near Field Communication tag reader / writer app
For more information, visit developers git pages:
Reboot is a MTF small tool to help you Reboot or PowerOff your N9/N950 easily and quickly.
By metacuong
Using AnonymusRecorder, we are able to record voices in our environment in a hidden way. AnonymusRecorder is able to automatically encrypt and send...
The application shows current rain situation in Europe.
By Jozef Mlich
by marxian
cuteTube2 is a fully-featured client for YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo. Features include:
Browse, search, share, play and download videos.
by marxian
cuteTube2-Plugins is a plugin pack for cuteTube2. The following additional services are supported:
Local videos
by RobertMe
Unofficial remote control application for XBMC and Kodi
Kodimote is an application that puts you in control of your XBMC or Kodi box using mobile...
by kimmoli
WIP Github gist manager for Jolla
Credentials are stored with weak encryption to settings, just that not visible with plain eye.
Basic authentication...
by cornedor
Here is a more up-to-date app:
This is just a simple recorder to record sounds from the...
by roboro
TVHeadFish is TVHeadEnd client for Sailfish OS. It uses the official HTS Protocol to communicate with TVHeadEnd Server. This should allow it to...
by forgrimm
An unofficial client for TED. It's still an early alpha version, but you can already:
- See the currently most popular talks
- Search for talks
- See...
by hedayat
Dukto ( is an easy file transfer tool designed for LAN use. It supports many platforms including GNU/Linux, Windows and...
by vranki
Siilihai is an application and web service for reading web forums. With Siilihai you can easily and quickly read the discussions on many forums....
by karin_zhao
MicroEmulator is a Java ME emulator baced on pure J2SE. And KarinME is front-end GUI booter with QML.
The package includes JRE (version is 1.7.0...
by saberaltria
This patch flattens the glass items in Sailfish Silica components for those who love flat ui. This patch is...
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