Brahmic scripts are very character rich, and normally occupy both rows of a normal QWERTY-esque keyboard, often enveloping parts of the punctuation keys [fn:1]. UIs that use such IMs tend to be very cumbersome to use both on the computer, as well as on touch interfaces. This issue has traditionally either been ignored, or leads to an IM with an unmanageable number of keys [fn:2].
This prototype for Sailfish OS uses a swipe gesture to get around the Shift-problem, and provides single-handed access, to the full Paninian alphabet, including the obscure vowels ॠ, ॠ, ऌ, ॡ. It also provides very easy access to the Roman alphabet, since Indian users are very likely to switch frequently between the two. Currently this repository contains layouts for Nagari and the Kannada scripts.
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