Tracker music support

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Tracker music support for media player.
This package adds support for playing tracker music files with the integrated music player of your device.
Amiga .MOD files, ScreamTracker .S3M files, Impulse Tracker .IT files, Fast Tracker 2 .XM files and all other formats supported by libmodplug.
This is not an application that you can start separately.
Ovi Store archived link:
I am not an author of the application.
This is an emergency backup.
I downloaded this application from Ovi Store some time before closure.
It might not be the newest available version.
Use it on your own responsibility.



Application versions: 
File mod-support-harmattan_0_455384.0.2_armel.deb218.16 KB18/06/2015 - 19:50

mod-support-harmattan (0.0.2) stable; urgency=low

* Try to work around QA file location stupidities
* Ask tracker to re-index all mod mime types on install