Traceroute for Linux

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Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network

The traceroute utility displays the route used by IP packets on their way to a specified network (or Internet) host. Traceroute displays the IP number and host name (if possible) of the machines along the route taken by the packets.

Traceroute is used as a network debugging tool. If you're having network connectivity problems, traceroute will show you where the trouble is coming from along the route.

Install traceroute if you need a tool for diagnosing network connectivity problems.

Application versions: 
File traceroute2_2.0.18-0maemo1_armel.deb60 KB04/02/2015 - 01:15

traceroute2 (2.0.18-0maemo1) fremantle; urgency=low

* Packaged for Maemo.
* New upstream release 2.0.18.
* Merge changes from traceroute 1:2.0.19-3 in Debian.