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SailContacts is a Contact application that provides two Views:

  • ListView: Shows all your contacts in a list, with a picture and beside the picture the name and the company of the contact.
  • GridView: Shows all your contacts in a grid.

This is a very early version - Currently it has only viewing capabilities.


Thanks to Moth for the beautiful icon!

Application versions: 
File harbour-sailcontacts-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm89.8 KB04/09/2014 - 04:41
File harbour-sailcontacts-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm88.79 KB02/09/2014 - 02:49


  • Shows contacts from external services (Facebook and Google)
  • Added a switch to hide/show contacts without phonenumber
  • Shows webpages in contactdetails


  • Improved performance in Gridview
  • Added beautiful new app icon from Moth
  • Added formatting for phone numbers
  • Improved look and feel on Contactsdetail-Page


  • Initial version



hoodlum's picture


how can I help you to translate into Russian?


Moth's picture

Let's go...

forgrimm's picture

Awesome - Thank you Moth! There is new updated version soon ;-)

achilles07's picture

this is much faster than people app. good work. for the icon, i think the same heart shaped icon will fit this too.

ssahla's picture

Some users dislike the heart:

I have no strong opinion on this, but just thought I'd mention this. It's true that you don't necessarily "heart" your work contacts, business numbers or stuff like that...

I could try to make something up but can't promise, so if someone beats me to it then good :)

Mariusmssj's picture

Seems to work quite great, easy to scroll and see contatcs. Looking forward to upcoming features.