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Package contains libraries, required by other applications as dependencies. Do not install separately.

Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library (header files)
The audiofile library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio
files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun, BICS,
and raw data).
This package contains the development headers and library files needed to
compile programs using libaudiofile, as well as example programs for
identifying and converting audio files.


Application versions: 
File libaudiofile-dev_0.2.7-0.1_armel.deb129.53 KB04/08/2013 - 23:00

audiofile (0.2.7-0.1) unstable; urgency=low

* Non-maintainer upload.
* New upstream release (Closes: #586686):
- Fix decoding of multi-channel ADPCM WAVE files.
- Reduce unshared data in library.
- Fix handling of audio files with more than 2^24 frames.
- Add support for writing double-precision floating-point WAVE files.
- Add support for reading certain uncompressed AIFF-C files created by
Mac OS X.
- Write fact chunk in floating-point WAVE files.
A big 'thank you!' goes to the upstream author Michael Pruett for
the great help.
* Switch packaging to source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Switch to DH 7 short-form:
- Add ${misc:Depends} to packages' Depends fields.
* Convert patches to the quilt format and then:
- 10_update_docs: adopted upstream.
- 10_update_libtool: not needed anymore as DH's autotools_dev add-on is
used now
- 10_export_vfs: applied upstream.
- 10_pack_real_char3: refresh'd.
- 10_incorrect_wav_size: applied upstream.
- 10_au_length_unspecified: refresh'd.
- 10_support_nonstandard_aiffc: adopted upstream.
- 10_sfinfo_no_options: refresh'd.
- 10_sfconvert_add_nist_support: applied upstream.
- 10_warning_fixes: applied upstream.
- 10_m4_quoting_fix: applied upstream.
- 10_include_audiofile_in_af_vfs: refresh'd.
- 10_pkgconfig_privlibs: dropped to avoid FTBFS with new toolchain.
- 10_float_size_calculation_fix: refresh'd.
- 20_exports_vpath_fix{,up}: applied upstream.
- 22_CVE-2008-5824: superseded upstream.
* Strip unneeded *.la files from -DEV package.
* Add symbols file.
* Add watch file.
* Add Homepage.
* Improve libaudiofile0-dbg's short description, fix Lintian's
duplicate-short-description warning.
* Fix Lintian's "binary-control-field-duplicates-source field" warning.
* Update debian/copyright.
* Bump Standards.