Country Quiz

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Country Quiz is a quiz game about states in the world. You can practise recognition of flags, maps and capitals. Results are collected into local database for you to see your own progress in tables and graphs.

Please be aware that this is still a beta release and there may be significant bugs. If you see something that's not in the list below, please report it!

Known issues:

  • Map is not clipped correctly when switching between ambiences during Map quiz
  • Leaving app window before quiz buttons appear breaks quiz
  • Score graph subpage is missing busy indicator

Other feedback is welcome too! See also Github page for code and issue tracker.

Questions and answers

Why is this not available on Jolla's application store?
This is still beta version and not the final release. I'm planning to release that in a few weeks and that will be available in the store. There might be second beta release before that though.

Why is this not available in my language? Why is there no country data in my language?
Because I probably don't know your language. However you are free to participate and translate country data, application texts or both and share them on Github as pull request or issue or via email. I would be happy to include those in the game. See TRANSLATING file for more information.

There is another similar game for Sailfish. Why yet another quiz game?
I actually wasn't aware of the other game when I started working on this. These also have multiple differences between them. And anyway it's a lot of fun to build a game of your own so why not. I think it's richness to have more than one implementation of the same idea.



    Application versions: 
    File harbour-countryquiz-0.4.0-1.aarch64.rpm10.6 MB14/09/2024 - 19:10
    File harbour-countryquiz-0.4.0-1.armv7hl.rpm10.61 MB14/09/2024 - 19:10
    File harbour-countryquiz-0.4.0-1.i486.rpm10.61 MB14/09/2024 - 19:10
