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This app is intended for HAM radio operators.

It displays the current GPS Position as Maidenhead Locator (used in HAM Radio).

  • Also show GPS position as latitude, longitude and altitude.
  • The Maidenhead Locator can be copied to the clipboard.
  • Shows some basic info about the GPS satellites.

Known bugs:

  • The icon doesn't conform with the standard (I'm really not talented for this)


This is my first App for Sailish OS

It was heavily inspired by the GPSInfo App, but C++ code was rewritten from scratch.

Application versions: 
File harbour-gpslocator-0.22-1.aarch64.rpm146.66 KB25/03/2024 - 16:52
File harbour-gpslocator-0.22-1.armv7hl.rpm143.12 KB02/04/2024 - 21:59
File harbour-gpslocator-0.23-1.aarch64.rpm146.55 KB05/08/2024 - 15:17
File harbour-gpslocator-0.23-1.armv7hl.rpm143.1 KB05/08/2024 - 15:25
  • v0.23: Fix - for some locations a less precise locator was shown
  • v0.22: Fix glitch of last update and time to first fix display when switching gps off and on again within the app.
  • v0.20.0: Setting coordinate format works as intended, translations should work
  • v0.19.0: Make display of "time to first fix" configurable, too
  • v0.18.0: Fix display of "time to first fix"
  • v0.17.0: Initial release to the public


windes's picture

Could you add a sound of connect/disconnect to satellites please? That will be good difference and enhancement of functionality from GpsInfo.

hb9hei's picture

I already added the functionality that I was missing on the GPSinfo app so I see no need to make more differences and enhancements to this app. If you think that GPSInfo hat more features, and you do not miss anything - that's fine, then GPSLocator is not what you are looking for - just stay with GPSInfo.

About adding sounds to the app - I dislike the idea of too noisy apps in general. Furthermore, since SFOS uses a quite old version of Qt where the sound subsystem works quite different from the current Qt 6.x, I feel that would need a lot of time and effort that's just not worth (for me).

windes's picture

Thanks, but no any GPSLocator for my device still here in Storeman. Xperia XA2, 4 5.0.25.

Mistekko's picture

Seems to be working fine on for me. Installed with no issues from storeman.

windes's picture

On what Sfos version is this release? No available for

hb9hei's picture

I compiled it using SDK 3.10.4 for SFOS, could install it via the storeman app and use it with SFOS on aarch64 without problems. Does it work if you use the direct download links from openrepos?

windes's picture

From Openrepos site it loads and works, yea. But.. It's a same app as GPSInfo, even with less functionality and languages. . Eh, sad.

windes's picture

Ah, for aarch64 only.. I have armv7hl.

hb9hei's picture

I allready compiled it for armv7hl, but then deleted it again when I found it doesn't work on my Jolla 1 because it only has SFOS 3.4.
But if there are really armv7hl devices running with SFOS 4.5 out there, I will compile and upload it again.
Out of curiosity, what kind of device do you have with armv7hl and SFOS 4.5?

Edit: I just have compiled and uploaded the latest version for armv7hl