FollowMe (noarch)

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Second time's the charm

Noarch build of with a few tweaks:

3 new providers, new experimental horizontal view (works best with already downloaded stuff as it only downloads a few images in advance, the old view starts dl of whole chapter), no longer need to quit the app for download option to appear (just open the comic once after adding), new experimental scrollbar for browsing (stolen from filebrowser, useful with mrtv), lots of stuff sadly hardcoded per provider (sorting/custom headers) as not sure if extending the plugin system is worthwhile (was there ever a new plugin developed in the last 8 years?)




Application versions: 
File harbour-followme-0.7-0.noarch.rpm46.82 KB23/08/2024 - 20:09
File harbour-followme-0.7.1-0.noarch.rpm46.2 KB31/10/2024 - 04:07
File harbour-followme-0.7.2-0.noarch.rpm46.63 KB20/11/2024 - 14:22
File harbour-followme-0.7.3-0.noarch.rpm46.16 KB12/02/2025 - 01:20
File harbour-followme-0.7.4-0.noarch.rpm46.15 KB13/02/2025 - 09:10
File harbour-followme-0.7.5-0.noarch.rpm48 KB27/02/2025 - 02:39

0.7.5 - Zoom support in horizontal mode added (navigation is disabled when zoomed in, double tap to reset zoom), progress overlay now hidden behind pressAndHold action

0.7.4 - fix for manhwafull second cdn (hopefully that's all, no idea)

0.7.3 - size scan of downloaded chapters is off by default, use settings to turn it back on again (it's heavy on cpu for large collections), rip mangareadertv, fix manhwafull again

0.7.2 - fix manhwafull

0.7.1 - fix mangatown

Noarch, 3 new providers (one old and non-working left as a reference), new experimental horizontal view (works best with already downloaded stuff as it only downloads a few images in advance, the old view starts dl of whole chapter), no longer need to quit the app for download option to appear (just open the comic once after adding), new experimental scrollbar for browsing (useful with mrtv), lots of stuff sadly hardcoded per provider (sorting/custom headers) as not sure if extending the plugin system is worthwhile (was there ever a new plugin developed in the last 8 years?)


ichthyosaurus's picture

You can use Opal.SmartScrollbar for the scroll bar. I generalized the implementation I used in File Browser and made this module from it. This is how it's used in File Browser: Github

szopin's picture

Thanks, it's only needed in one list with 46000 mangas, as scrolling through that normally is impossible, it's working fine so will leave it as is (gotta figure out why one of the providers is not working again)

p_pahare's picture

App is not launching on my device Xperia 10ii

szopin's picture

Is it throwing any errors when launched from terminal? (in terminal should be just 'harbour-followme')

p_pahare's picture

Strangely it launched from terminal but not opening from the drawer icon
Removed sailfish-qml from exec in .desktop file