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stoken - Software Token for Linux/UNIX

stoken is an open source tokencode generator compatible with RSA SecurID 128-bit (AES) tokens. It is a hobbyist project, not affiliated with or endorsed by RSA Security.

This SailfishOS stoken version only offers the following interfaces:

  • Interactive or batched CLI: "stoken"
  • Shared library for use with external programs: ""

Basic usage

First, import a token from a raw string or an "sdtid" XML file:

$ stoken import --token
$ stoken import --token com.rsa.securid.iphone://ctf?ctfData=2000123456...
$ stoken import --file mytoken.sdtid

This will prompt for an optional password, so that your seed is encrypted on disk.

Next, use the CLI to show the current tokencode:

$ stoken tokencode

If your token requires a PIN, stoken will prompt for it. You can use "stoken setpin" to cache your PIN in ~/.stokenrc. This is much less secure, but may be useful for automation.

Modern versions of OpenConnect link against libstoken and can send an autogenerated tokencode as the password. Import your token using the above instructions, then:

$ openconnect -u USERNAME --token-mode=rsa HOSTNAME

NOTE: This command line version supports multiple tokens on the following manner:

$ cd /home/nemo (default path)
$ stoken import --token
$ mv .stokenrc .token1
$ stoken import --token com.rsa.securid.iphone://ctf?ctfData=2000...
$ mv .stokenrc .token2
$ stoken tokencode --rcfile=.token1
$ stoken tokencode --rcfile=.token2



gmp >= 6.1.2
nettle >= 3.4

I've established above dependencies to ensure proper stoken functionality but it will probably work with older versions, you can find both libraries already compiled for armv7hl in my repository, if you install this rpm via warehouse app, it will automatically satisfy the proper dependencies unless you have older versions of gmp or nettle in your system, if that's the case, please uninstall them first.

Application versions: 
File stoken-0.92-1.armv7hl.rpm185.67 KB29/12/2017 - 06:55

Latest release (0.92) from original source compiled for armv7hl