by fsbkgb
Client for imageboard.
Source code:
by anig
This is a patch for the lockscreen to show the upcoming events.on The view is fully configurable using the settings. Version 0.4 only works with...
by gmc
Note: I am currently considering to what extent I will be involved with Sailfish OS given Jolla's current ownership. In the mean time, app...
by R1tschY
Matrix instant messaging client
by nemishkor
Alpha version of Bitwarden password manager. Please be aware that application has security issues because stores some credentials as plain text. So...
by rinigus
From RRDtool homepage: RRDtool is the OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data. RRDtool...
by rinigus
collectd is a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for...
by rinigus
SystemDataScope is a GUI for visualization of collectd datasets. Together with collectd and RRDtool, it provides a system monitoring solution for...
by osetr
Application Data Cleaner for Sailfish OS
by nephros
This is now available from the chum repository. Please update to that version.
mtr combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs...
by JulienBlanc
Description in french, since the app is useless outside France.
La version 0.8 (avec l’attestation week-end) est livrée sans que j’ai eu le temps de...
by Sirius3R
Network TCP Performance Tuning IPv4
This is a quick fix for my stuttering network connection when streaming videos over LTE and WIFI with the native...
by martonmiklos
SMS share-plugin for nemotransferengine-qt5. Supports sharing mime-types "text/vcard" ie. contacts and "text/x-url" is. Links.
Please note after...
by nephros
This is a collection of Ambiences featuring Pac-Man
Tested on Xperia10 and GeminiPDA (landscape)
by slava
Classic puzzle game.
Three color balls are randomly placed on the game board at every round. You have to select one ball by clicking on it and move...
by Egor
by velox
This app displays green, red, blue, white and black in changing intervals on the whole screen.
While it's not proven that it has any effect, it may...
by nephros
Wonderfully useless application which simply shows the current Ambience picture fullscreen.
Sources at gitlab.
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