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Morzyn is a tribute to the well known classic game "Morkin 2".
You are a mighty magician.
It's your mission to defeat all enemies on the field with the help of a variety of creatures.
Get ready to fight and show your opponents how to command an army of myrmidons!


    more than 50 different creatures waiting to serve you
    powerful spells to duel with enemy wizards
    many different unit abilities
    easy-to-use interface
    addicting game concept

Morzyn is still under construction. Some features may not be included yet. We develop Morzyn in our free time.

You can get more information at


Application versions: 
File harbour-morzyn-0.7.14-10.armv7hl.rpm29.05 MB17/01/2014 - 01:41
File harbour-morzyn-0.7.16-4.armv7hl.rpm29.1 MB05/09/2014 - 12:41
File harbour-morzyn-0.7.17-4.armv7hl.rpm29.1 MB29/10/2015 - 13:05
File harbour-morzyn-0.7.17-4.i486.rpm29.12 MB29/10/2015 - 13:05

- allow distance attacks only if opponent is in sight
- Healing
- Mana Transfer
- better creature balancing
- sorcerer is immune against all kinds of distance attacks
- bug fixes ​
- tablet support



KyleB's picture

Great remake of the original morkin 2, plays just like it if not better

damourti's picture

Fun game, thanks!

I found a bug: If you have no mana (almost never happens), the game is blocked, no way to go back to the battle field.



yoktobit's picture

Maybe the UI is not intuitive enough at this point.

If you don't have enough mana, simply click the "Check"-Button in the lower right corner to abort the selection of a spell. If you have selected some spell, for which you don't have enough mana (it is marked red), then click the spell again to deselect it, then click the button.

damourti's picture

Ok it did work but the UI is indeed not so intuitive/responsive. We could have a button to launch a spell and another to end the turn.

damourti's picture

Hum, I was stuck again with some mana, could not tick the "check" box...!3299&authkey=!AI1FZSYyEsDGiGw&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

yoktobit's picture

Mh, it looks like your Giant Warrior is still selected (red). Since you can't afford that, you have to deselect it before pushing the Check.

I'm evaluating a few other Methods, one of it is a simple "X"-Button near the Check, but I have a few other, more finger-friendly, ideas, which are more difficult to implement.