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Patch: MeeCast on LockScreen

Patch working only on Vaarainjärvi (u10) release

I didn't found any problems using this patch, but it still at your own risk.

Application versions: 

- Fixed problem Segmentation fault while trying to load stations, see issue #62


carmenluci's picture

Yeah!! It seems to work fine!!! Thank you so much, I love it ;)

feldbaum's picture

Can´t install meecast-lockscreen.

i use Jolla, Vaarinjärvi, installed meecast 0.9.16-1,meecast daemon 0.4-1.


vasvlad's picture

I need more inforamtion. Did you install patchmanager?


feldbaum's picture

Hi Vasvlad,

great idea, that was the solution. I had not installed the Patchmanager. Now I could install meecast-LockScreen.However, the following things are noticed.

1. Meecast-lockscreen can be switch on or switch off not through the patchmanager. It requires a reboot every time.

2. Meecast - daemon I can turn off through use of meecast without reboot. To the switch on a reeboot is necessary.

Thanks again for the help and this wonderful app.

Victorious's picture

Looks wonderful, problems with other programs is not, but is not automatically updated. Очень красиво смотрится, проблем с другими программами нет, но автоматически не обновляется.

vasvlad's picture

Please uninstall package Meecast-daemon 0.3 and install the new version of this package(0.4) for fixing problem with daemon start. Do not upgrade package. Uninstall and Install.

vasvlad's picture

I am going to explore the problem with updating next week

carmenluci's picture

Thank you for this patch!! Only one thing: I've set '1 hour' for updates, and data doesn't update :(

vasvlad's picture

Please uninstall package Meecast-daemon 0.3 and install the new version of this package(0.4) for fixing problem with daemon start. Do not upgrade package. Uninstall and Install.

vasvlad's picture

 I am going to explore the problem with updating next week

boebbele's picture

Great work! Thank you very much!

But since I installed this patch, the patch "Battery Statusbar at lockscreen" don not work anymore.

matimilko's picture

That's what, I was waiting for!!!

Thank You :)
