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MoNav is offline navigation application. It uses OpenStreetMap data for routing and map rendering.

This is Sailfish port based on original MoNav at

Default path for map data is ~/monavmaps/ . It can be changed in ~/.config/MoNavClient.conf file. For Example:


Some map packages can be downloaded from at least for a while. Extract packages to your map data folder.



Application versions: 
File harbour-monav-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm403.26 KB02/03/2015 - 17:31
File harbour-monav-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm410.63 KB15/04/2015 - 04:01


  • Initial release


  • New address lookup interface moved under a new name. If you had working address lookup data in the last release, update Module.ini with "addressLookup=Simple Unicode Tournament Trie".
  • Map view interface updated


objectifnul's picture

Welcome to my web servers 404 page

You have requested a non-existing page from my site, please contact the owner of the page linking to this one, and ask them to correct the error.

kif's picture

The routing files om, now contains offline rendering.

kif's picture


I have placed the routing files for some countries at, they contains the routing information for car and bicycle, and address lookup informations in the format required for the Sailfish edition of Monav.

I try to keep this site updated at least once a month.

If you would like the routing information for a specific country included, please feel free to ask me, either here or at

I cannot promise anything, but will consider any request ;)

Currently I cannot add Germany, EU or other countries of that size/complexity or greater, as my computers do not have the necessary ram.


Pelzlurch's picture

It works quite nice, except the known problem with the search option.

But what I really find confusing:: When I switch my Jolla to offline mode, just mapparts from the cache are shown.

tunp's picture

This should only happen when using tiles from web. If using vector renderer, tiles are rendered even in offline mode. Map looks the same like in the screenshot then. You can change rendering module from map packages menu.

Pelzlurch's picture

Hi tunp, thanks for your answer. 

But I fear there is something wrong. I cant't choose anyting on the map packages menu. the screen just gets darker when i try to choose a menu item, and that's it. Nothing else happens.

tunp's picture


So map and routing is working, but you dont see map packages in the menu? That should not happen and I don't know why it's doing so. If you have time, please report this on github.

boebbele's picture

Great app! It could be the best navigation app for Jolla.

How can I use maps for other regions?

Nokius's picture

What map do you need? May I can help ;)

boebbele's picture

I need a map for germany or europe.

Nokius's picture


All Maps from for MoNav Car navigation

OSM Map from 03.03.2014

--> <--


boebbele's picture

I have downloaded your map from Germany. It works! :) I can see my location and can set an Destination with klick of the map. But when I want search an adress the app crashes. :-(

mautz's picture


I just downloaded your germany maps and tranferred them to my phone. I can look at the maps, but the search function does not work. Also my current location is not shown, whe i turn on the GPS(Nokia Here shows my current location, so GPS is working), Any ideas?

And could you share your settings for compiling the maps, for the people who want to compile the bike and pedestrian maps?



tunp's picture


It should show your position if you select Source -> Follow your current location from menu. If not, there is a bug somewhere.

Search seems to be too slow for Germany data so it looks like crashing. Will be fixed in next update.

Thank you Nokius for map packages.

mautz's picture

Ah, that worked :) Thank you.

But now if i search for a destination the application crashes.

tunp's picture

As the search is not working atm, you can manually select destination by pressing some place on the map and selecting destination from menu.

mautz's picture

That worked :-) Thank you.

boebbele's picture

Great!! Thank you so much! I will load and try it in the evening. I will report here if it worked.

boebbele's picture

Perfekt! :-)

Thank you very much!

tunp's picture

Currently the only way is to use preprocessor from github to build map package. There might also be packages somewhere at internet but address search wont work with these as these are build for original monav.

Hopefully there will be prebuild packages at some time.