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4chan client, continuation of Tabasku's Neliapila (

New features:

- Handle >>>/board/thread links in app

- Fix for image and gif loading (QML user-agent is blocked, so we use python (and so is default python, so now we pretend to be curl, lets see how long this will work) to dowload to /tmp/ and open from disk (apparently this should be ram, so hopefully no extra wear and tear), this could cause issues with sailjail, got one error once on initial install, but gone when tried to look at it with qmlscene, can't reproduce anymore so let me know if you hit it (or just install qmlscene and run the app once from it I guess))

- Better/faster URL detection

- Follow links to archived threads (should help with all the AI generals), if the post is not OP of archived thread use pulldown menu to load the whole of it

- Noarch - no need for 486/arm/aarch64 builds, python3-requests moved to requires, no need to ship our own

- Bunch of fixes (unclickable links should be fixed now), bunch of UI tweaks to posting, which is not working thanks to cloudflare, maybe will add pass support, for now use angelfish or android browser to post


Many thanks to Tabasku for keeping it alive for so long




Application versions: 
File harbour-neliapila-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm105.33 KB03/05/2024 - 13:42
File harbour-neliapila-0.9.2-1.noarch.rpm105.36 KB09/05/2024 - 08:33
File harbour-neliapila-0.9.3-1.noarch.rpm105.4 KB26/08/2024 - 19:49
File harbour-neliapila-0.9.4-1.noarch.rpm104.68 KB21/11/2024 - 16:03
File harbour-neliapila-0.9.5-1.noarch.rpm104.69 KB11/02/2025 - 09:12

0.9.5 - fix duplicating replies multiquoting a post and webview

0.9.4 - support for mp4

0.9.3 - fix for images not loading

0.9.2 - handle >>>/board/thread links in app, clean up leftover debug artifacts

0.9.1 - initial release