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This patch is now part of the Sailfishos patches (advanced) package.

If you still have problems uninstalling, run this command:
rpm -e --noscripts pandora-eventview-controls

Sorry for the inconvenience.


A patch for the patchmanager to add the favorite settings to the events view.

I liked the idea of having the favorite setting instead of the ambience menu, but it wasn't usable enough from there. There are times when the settings might need to be changed when there is an app open and you don't wan't to leave the app.

The events view has been quite useless so far, atleast for me. Well now there's more functionality in it.

I tried putting the controls in different places but ended up putting it just after the notifications as everything else after that has been quite useless for me so far.

Initially I tried to make it show the controls at the bottom and succeeded somewhat. The problem was when there was a lot of buttons in the favorites. I might look into it a bit more later. At the moment I'm happy with the result.


- Fix to the rpm's spec file so the package can be removed.

- Initial implementation


R22D22's picture

Like your work a lot. Don't want to be a pain in the ass but still cannot uninstall it. Next Jolla update is coming and therefore have to uninstall. Help!


Status: cannot-remove-system-package

Extra details:

Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: 0x44a2812creun(pandora-eventview-controls-0.2-1.armv7hl) scriptlet failed, exit status 2

error: pandora-eventview-controls-0.2-1.armv7hl: erase failed

sevanteri's picture

Damn, still something wrong...

I quess I have to push one more update :/

delilat's picture

I'm not able to uninstall patchmanager-eventview. Any suggestions what to do? Do you provide an update in the near future?

nodevel's picture

Thanks for the update, now I can finally uninstall it.

You should bump the version number, though - I had to reinstall it with zypper in --force first.

Bulder's picture

Foolishly (and accidentally) disregarded the patchmanager warning of never updating the phone with the pandora lipstick applied and now I can't uninstall this package. Any help here?

abyzthomas's picture

Great option!  You guys are great!!

How did you get all those plugins in the control centert?

Is it possible to add the new flash light plugin there also?

Update: Figured out that just have to press and hold the option in settings to add to favorites.