DEB packages creator for N9/50

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This is a small command-line tool that can create a small packages, for example for your mods, directly on your phone..
On your first start it will ask you which PDF instruction you want and after applying, you will find PDF file in your Documents folder. PLEASE read it to understand how to create packages.
Created package can be installed via dpkg -i or double click on the file from filebox/case.
Use created .deb files ON YOUR OWN RISK ! I'm not responsible for any damage if it will cause to your phone :)
Discussion thread:

- now on option one, if executable or binary files not exist, the Creator will NOT add automatically all other files to digsigsums. Because of this fixed "hash" problem during installation of your package (thanks to Coderus for help).p>

Beware, use it on your own risk !!!

Donation are welcome :)

Application versions: 
File dpkgcreator_0.0.8_armel.deb706.19 KB25/08/2013 - 15:39
File dpkgcreator_0.0.9_armel.deb713.19 KB31/08/2013 - 04:57
File dpkgcreator_0.1.0_armel.deb723.11 KB05/09/2013 - 01:46
File dpkgcreator_0.1.1_armel.deb791.76 KB09/09/2013 - 23:44
File dpkgcreator_0.1.2_armel.deb792.01 KB10/09/2013 - 21:35
File dpkgcreator_0.1.3_armel.deb792.08 KB04/10/2013 - 01:13
File dpkgcreator_0.1.4_armel.deb792.17 KB05/10/2013 - 02:18
File dpkgcreator_0.1.5_armel.deb796.22 KB09/10/2013 - 11:46
File dpkgcreator_0.1.6_armel.deb796.95 KB12/10/2013 - 03:38
File dpkgcreator_0.1.7_armel.deb796.97 KB14/10/2013 - 02:10
File dpkgcreator_0.1.8_armel.deb1.26 MB19/10/2013 - 03:24
File dpkgcreator_0.1.9_armel.deb1.26 MB23/10/2013 - 23:19
File dpkgcreator_0.2.0_armel.deb1.26 MB13/06/2016 - 20:22

dpkgcreator (0.1.9) unstable; urgency=low * Initial build for OBS.


ahmedooo2007's picture

thnk you.......... Merci................شكراااااااا


Zaidahmad's picture

مرحبا ممكن اسألك سؤال