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regenerate pristine tarballs
pristine-tar can regenerate a pristine upstream tarball using only a small
binary delta file and a revision control checkout of the upstream branch.
The package also includes a pristine-gz command, which can regenerate a
pristine .gz file, and a pristine-bz2 for .bz2 files.
The delta file is designed to be checked into revision control along-side
the upstream branch, thus allowing Debian packages to be built entirely
using sources in revision control, without the need to keep copies of
upstream tarballs.

Application versions: 
File pristine-tar_1.13_armel.deb72.24 KB04/08/2013 - 21:30

pristine-tar (1.13) unstable; urgency=low

[ Faidon Liambotis ]
* Add a Perl quirks mode for tarballs generated by Perl's IO::Zlib, which
is used among other things by Module::Build. Closes: #618284