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Anonymous remailer client and server
Mixmaster is the reference implementation of the type II remailer protocol
which is also called Mixmaster.
An anonymous remailer is a computer service that privatizes your email. A
remailer allows you to send electronic mail to a Usenet news group or to a
person without the recipient knowing your name or your email address.
Anonymous remailers provide protection against traffic analysis.
This package provides both a client and an optional server installation.

Application versions: 
File mixmaster_3.0.0-5_armel.deb212.23 KB05/08/2013 - 12:00

mixmaster (3.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=low

* Ack NMU
* Fix create of /var/lib/mixmaster (Closes: #678489)
* Fix create of /var/run/mixmaster when on tmpfs
* bump standards version to 3.9.3 (no changes required).
* Add debian/watch file.